Homes, Hearts.

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(Hero's POV)

It's been fourteen days since I called Josephine.

Fourteen days since I've heard her beautiful voice.

I knew that she didn't mean a word she was saying. I could tell by the way she was hesitating with her words, trying to fight back her tears as she told me to not come back.

It didn't do me any good, because I ended up turning down the offer to be the face of Gucci's new campaign.

My heart was broken, and I couldn't bear to move out of my room where I've locked myself away. I couldn't care less if Mr. Cunningham doesn't sign me. The only thing that mattered to me was that the woman I loved most in this world thought that I would choose some stupid modeling gig over her.

At the time, it seemed reasonable. This was something that I've been wanting for a long time now, and Josephine's mum was there to take care of her. I knew she would be fine for one more week. But I know she was scared, and she needed me now more than ever. Our lives were about to change, and I was more concerned about Paris.

I was an idiot.

But none of that matters now. Regardless of whether she meant it or not, I knew that if I walked into that apartment, she would never forgive me.

There's a knock at my bedroom door, and I pull the covers up over my half naked body before granting permission for whoever it was to enter.

"Hero, you've got to get out of this bed." My dad says with a slight laugh.

"I'm good, thanks." I retort.

He takes a seat at the edge of my bed, resting his coat beside him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I huff before turning on my side, away from him.

"I don't think you've done anything wrong." He says, trying to make me feel better.

"Dad." I groan before sitting up. "I did do something wrong. I chose my career over Josephine."

"Son, listen..."

"No, you listen! I promised Jo that I would come back to her. I keep breaking promises, dad. I don't deserve her. She deserves someone who will be a father to her child and not fuck up because he's a selfish arse."

Tears begin to fall down my face as only images of Josephine fill my head. My dad lets out a heavy sigh before reaching his arm over to me. I lean forward and rest my head on his shoulder, letting myself cry for the first time in almost three weeks.

"Have you tried calling her?" He asks.

"Multiple times."

"I think you should just go home, son." He tells me. "Show her that you don't make promises that you can't keep."

"I can't dad." I sigh.


"Dad just leave it alone. Please." I beg.

He lets out a heavy sigh but nods his head. "Okay... hey, your mum and I are going out tonight. Your brother and Ronnie are here. We should be back later."

"Okay." I nod before laying back onto the pillows.

My dad leans over and kisses the top of my head before leaving my bedroom.

I lay there for hours, unmoving and wallowing in self-pity as I have been doing for days now. It isn't until a little after dark, that Felix comes into my room and turns my light on.

"Felix!" I groan before pulling my pillow out from underneath me and hurling it at him.

He catches it midair and tosses it back at me, landing on top of my head. "Get up mate. You're going out."

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