Chapter 8

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After waking up and taking a much-needed shower I went downstairs to prepare Jonah some breakfast. Hearing Jonah comes down the stairs I also hear a knock at the door.

“I got it, mom”

Jonah came into the kitchen “That was Steve he was coming to tell me he can’t take me to school he has a dentist appointment.” “Do you want me to take you to school?” “Nah. I can catch the bus.”

“Momma, why was he here last night?” “Sit I need to talk to you about that and work yesterday.” “Is everything alright at work momma” Jonah ask while getting him some juice.

“Yesterday at work Gavin’s dad made an appointment with me, actually he specifically wanted to see me.” “Did you know who he was?” “Not until he said his name surname that’s when it hit me.” “What did he want?” “Well, he invited you well us to a family dinner in two weeks.”

“I don’t want to go.” “I told him whatever you decide I would support it.” “well I saw Gwen I think her name is yesterday.” “Who is Gwen?” “His sister.” “How did you meet her?” “She was at the school when I was leaving and I bumped into her on accident.”

“Why can’t they just leave us alone?” “Baby I don’t know. That’s partly why Gavin was here last night. He said he wants to be in your life. I told him this was your choice.” “He’s had sixteen years I think times up. I got to go catch the bus. I love you, momma.” “have a good day at school. Love you.”
_ later that day _
Meeting with Odell and Patrick for lunch to talk about our mom. Pulling up I see Patrick getting out of his car. “Hey big brother,” I said smiling. “Hey, Mone.” He says hugging me. We walked in and saw Odell as he waved us over.
“Odell, how was momma when you left her this morning?” “She was good. She has been having some good days but you know the doctors.” “Jonah and I will go and see her again this weekend. Please tell me when William is not around and will be gone for a while.” “He knows your back, momma told him and he still had this look in his eyes.” “The look of disappointment.” “Simone.” “Patrick when I got pregnant the look in his eyes turned.”
“Speaking of Jonah told us he meets his father.” “Jonah hates Gavin.” “Wait for Gavin Langford,” Odell says. I nod my head in a yes motion. “The NFL great is our nephew's dad.” “Patrick it’s not that big a deal at least it shouldn’t be after all he abandoned us.” “What did Jonah say about him?” “It’s not so much what he said. It’s the tone in his voice and the pain behind it.”
“It was rough for him.” “The only family he had was me and grandma and when she died it was us. Y’all wasn’t around a lot and I know it was because of William and he felt no one wanted him. As a mother, it broke my heart every day but I did what I needed to do and that was what my son needed. Whether it was going to his games, catching the football, training with him I did it while working two jobs. I was stressed out and tired but the look on Jonah’s face was worth it all.”
“Have you spoken to Gavin?” Patrick asked. “A few times. He’s married and I don’t want to rock the boat. I don’t know how she feels about me or Jonah.” “Mone, what happened to Maddie?” I smiled at the mention of my best friend. “Honestly I don’t know. I would love to see her again.”

After practice I told Steve to go home I had somewhere to go. After the bus ride and a 15 minute walk I was in front of the building. After checking in and walking down the corridor I was in front of the door. After knocking on the door I heard a ‘come in’

Walking over to the bed. Smiling at how much my mom looks like her mom. “Hey Grandma.” She faced me and a bright smile appeared on her face. “Hey baby. How is my grandson?” “I’m good. How are you feeling?” “I’m alright. Just resting a little bit. How was school.” “School was good.” “Is your mom here?” “No ma’am she doesn’t even know I’m here.” “What brings you here. Not that I’m not happy to see you.”
“Did you know who my well who he is?” “Your father?” “Yes, him” “I remember when he came to the house to pick Simone for their first date. I should have known something was off because she wasn’t even dressed and didn’t ask us. William and I were so happy she was finally getting out and had a date. He was a charmer that’s for sure and William adored him. After the second date, William asked her she just said they didn’t work. I don’t know why but he was disappointed.”
“But he kicked her out.” “Your mom, my daughter showed me at that moment that she was a better parent than me. I allowed my husband to kick my pregnant daughter out of the house when she needed me the most. We knew better than to go against him, however, that was a time I should have stood and stayed by my daughter’s side instead I watched her get put out like some trash. Right after she left William went and ate as nothing happened. I cried and cried. William set a new set of rules which was we could not be in contact with yall. We still did it and time we got caught but for the most, we didn’t.” I looked at my grandma who had tears cascading down her face.
“Did you meet him.” “I have. He’s my football coach. Momma saw him and she told me.” “I’m so proud of Simone.” Grandma grabbed my hand and looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Baby I know your hurting, I know I see it in your eyes. This must be a lot for you to take in. Even though all of this anger and heartache you need to find a way to forgive him. I am not saying you have to today or even tomorrow but sometime you are going to have to. Not just for you but for your mom. What he did will never unshatter you nor Simone but this anger will not help the situation any.”
“He said he wants to be in my life. But he’s to late grandma.” “Is he too late or are those your walls?” “I don’t want to be in life or him in mine.” “Why?  Jonah listen to me it tore me up everyday Simone was gone and being pregnant she needed me her family and all she had was my mom and when she died it was just yall left. It may be late but you do have family now Jonah.” “I have you and uncle Patrick and  uncle Odell.” “You do have us, but I am not going to always be here. You have a chance..” “Grandma he blew that chance when we told momma to kill me.” “Are you going to punish him for something he did as teenager. I am in no way condoning what he did but maybe its more to it. Talk to him.” “I’ll think about it.” “Jonah its going to be okay.” She smiled patting my hand.
“I got to go, grandma, before momma freaks out.” “Tell her I said hey.” Smiling “I will grandma.” Bending down I hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Jonah if you can forgive me and your uncles you can forgive others also. We weren’t their either. I love you.” “ I love you, grandma.” I looked at her again and smile. “I love you. get some rest.”
 Walking in the house hearing my mom in the kitchen. “Momma I’m home.” She came running out the kitchen hugging me tightly. “Are you alright. Are you okay?” She rushed out. “I’m fine momma. I’m sorry I put my phone on silent. I went and spend some time with grandma.” A smile appeared on her face. “How is momma.” “She is good. He had a good long talk.” “That’s good.” “She asked about you. Momma did you forgive grandma?” “Parts of me did but parts me of me can’t but I am working on.” I nodded in understanding what she was saying.
“Dinner is almost done.” “Okay, I’ma get started on my homework,” I say walking towards my room but I stopped going back to the kitchen. “Momma” “hm.” “Can we… I mean is it okay if we go to the dinner?” she turned to face me. “what dinner?” “with his family.” “You want to go?” “I’ll try. At any time I feel uncomfortable can we leave?” “Yeah, we can.” She smiled at me and went back to cooking. “I love you, momma,” I said then left out the kitchen going to my room.


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