Chapter 22

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“I just wanted to say congratulations, Jonah. I was homecoming king myself. As your coach, I’m proud of you. Looks like tonight’s the night you are set to break my break. I’m honored to have you break it.” “Thanks, coach.”
“Man yall better stop. Sweat falling from eyes.” Steve says before he continues. “Take a family picture.” We all looked at Steve like he has lost his mind. “What,” Steve said when he saw us all looking at him. “Oh, this isn’t a family moment.” I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t be late coming back tonight you two,” I say looking between Jonah and Steve. They nodded. I begin to walk off. When I heard “Coach.” I turned around. “You forgot to take the picture,” Simone said. Steve got all of our phones and took some pictures. I thought to myself these are our first family pictures. 
(before the game)  
I text Allen to confirm he was still coming to the game and the homecoming event even though Maddison said he wasn’t. but no reply. Sitting in my office looking at the picture of me, Simone, and Jonah when I heard my open. Looking up waiting to see who is coming in my office silently praying it was not Maddison.
“Your team better win tonight. I didn’t come all this way for nothing” walking around my desk. “Allen what the hell. When did you get in.” “Couple hours ago.” “After the game we going to the yacht. And just so you know my team is going to win. My boy are killers.”  “I hear your son is going to shatter your record tonight. You ready toreplaced “ His voice sounded condescending and not in reference to football or Jonah.
“Of course. My son is doing it. I’m honored why wouldn’t I will be?” “I can't wait to meet the new football prodigy know as my nephew.” I faked smiled, hoping he wouldn’t know. “I can't go to the yacht tonight. I have a date for after the game. If you know what I mean. I couldn’t pass her up.” “You coming to homecoming tomorrow?” “Of course I wouldn’t miss it.”  
During the game, I couldn’t help but be overjoyed even though I had to hide my excitement that Jonah just broke my record. Nobody was happier than me. “He has done it. Jonah broke your record. How you feel.” “Honestly, privileged. I’m grateful I got to witness him break my record. I’m thankful it was Jonah.”
After the close win 45-42, I couldn’t help but smile at Jonah and be proud. Walking outside to get some fresh air I saw Simone sitting on the sidewalk across from the field house. Walking over to her I sat down beside her. We were quiet for a little bit ‘til I broke the silence.
“Our son did it. I’m proud of him.” “As am I. Looks like sports broadcasters all over waiting to talk to you and Jonah.” “They will be waiting all night. Jonah does not want to do it and honestly, I don’t either.” Silence fell upon s again for a few moments. “Do you actually like football now or you still hate it?” A smile graced her lips. “I tolerate it for him.”  “Are you still coming tomorrow?” “I plan too.” “Are you going to swim? I remember how good you look in a bathing suit.” I winked and smiled at her.” “Shut-up Gavin,” She says laughing. “I have had a child since then.” “Yeah, I know mine.” I looked over her body. “if anything you got better.”
Before she could respond some players started to leave out. “Let me get back in here. See you tomorrow?” “I did it for Jonah,” “Did what?” She stood up then spoke, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said with a warm smile then walked off to I assume her vehicle.  
After everything was done I went to the yacht to only find Gwen eating a late night snack. “Baby brother” “I thought you would be sleep or with your boy toy.” “Haha. He’s coming over later.” I rolled my eyes. “I’ll see you in the morning sis.” “Maddison text she said she was coming over after some business.” “Great. Send her to the guest room.”
Getting on the bed laying down I let out a loud sigh deep in thought ‘til the darkness consumed me.
{Next day}  
“Gavin gets up people are coming sooner than expected,” Gwen said with Maddison standing behind her. “I’m up let me get a shower.” Letting the warm relax my body I prepare for the long day ahead.  
Greeting parents and old classmates was great as we were about to sail I see Simone and Keith come on together. Giving the order the to captain we begin to sail. I see in a far off distance Allen and Maddison arguing. Getting distracted when I saw her in a white two-piece bikini. 



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I say to myself as Keith walks up behind her snaking his arms around her. “Man who is she. I’m thinking about two with me she going to forget her date.” “Who.” “Lady in white.” “Stay away from her.” “Why you cant call for her. You're married.” I laugh coldly. Then went and got a drink from the bar.  
Downing several drinks I went downstairs and sent a quick text to Maddison making her think I wanted to fuck, then sent one to Allen saying I need to apologize. 
Allen walked in first. “You good.” Just as Maddison walked in. all the color draining from her face. “Just like old times wouldn’t yall say.” “Baby what’s going on.” Maddison said trying to cover herself up. “take a seat.” I say in a harsh tone. “What is this about,” Allen says. Walking over to the door I locked it.
I want answers and I want them now.
“Let’s not all speak at once because guess what three of us are not going anywhere. ‘til I get an answer. “I told you Maddy f he asked I was going to tell.” “Allen there is nothing to tell just shut up.”
“back in high school, Maddison came to me asking if I was still doing bets on what jocks would sleep with girls. I said no. She said she had a sure thing. A girl name Simone. I said no at first then she sweeten the deal even more.” I looked at Maddison. “Allen shut up,” she said through clench teeth. “How so” “Allen” her voice cracked
“She said I could watch, fuck her, and she would pay me 5,000. Basically, your wife whored out your baby momma.” He said. Then continued “That’s not the worse of it Gavin,” Allen said.  



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