Chapter 30

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Getting off work I rush in to get a quick shower before Jonah’s game tonight. As I’m trying off I hear a knock at the door. Tying the towel around my body I yell out “Who is it” As I make my way to the front door. “Gwen” I heard. Opening the door I see her smiling “Did I catch you at a bad time?” she asked. “No just getting ready for the game.” “About the game, I was hoping we could go together if you don’t mind.” “I would actually like that. My brothers are meeting me there I will let them know you are joining me.” I say with a smile. “That’s fine I would love to meet them.” “Let me go get dressed”
Arriving at the game Gwen and I both stopped in our tracks as we saw Keith standing talking to two other men. “He’s not even worth me flipping him off. No balls having bitch.” Gwen said. “I will admit I liked him, but I don’t think the dynamics of mine and Keith’s relationship was as profound yall’s were. If you need talk or any-“ Gwen held up her hand. “My first marriage taught me never to deal with shit for too long because you will never get that time back. I am not dwelling on him.”
“You were married before yeah for four years. Worse mistake ever. He cheated on me constantly. When he started beating on me I tried to cover it up ‘til I couldn’t anymore. One day Gavin came over caught him and beat him so bad. I felt relief for a while then he came back tried to kill me. Like I said time you can't get back I’m not wasting time on people who wasting me, and he has wasted enough out both of our time.”
We walked to the bleachers when Gwen broke the silence between us. “What’s going to happen with you and Gavin.” Before I could respond I heard a familiar voice calling my name.  I turned around to see my brothers walking toward us. “Hey, Mone,” Patrick said. “Hey yall. Odell, Patrick this is Gwen. Gwen these are my brothers Patrick and Odell” I say pointing them out.
“Nice to meet both of yall.” “Who are you exactly” Odell ask. “I’m Gavin sister. Jonah’s aunt, but don’t tell him” She says laughing. “Well, let's go watch him dominate on the football field,” Patrick said. “How is momma doing today?” “She is doing good. She was awake and alert when we left. She was laughing a little bit” Odell said. “If I am being nosey or this is none of my business please tell me. What is wrong with yall mom?” Gwen asked full of concern.
“Our mom has chronic kidney disease and we found out she also had stage four leukemia. Sadly our mom is dying.” Patrick said. “That’s why I moved back. I knew time was of the essence. I wanted to see her and for Jonah and her to meet before... “ I couldn’t finish the sentence as Patrick hugged me.
“I’m so sorry. Is it anything I can do now or later on down the line please let me know.” Gwen said as I hugged her. “Thank you” “I’ll take you up on that offer,” Odell said with a smile. Making me look between both of them.
“Simone” “SIMONE” I heard my name being called louder. I looked up and it was like looking at a ghost as tears burned the brim of my eyes. “April,” I say softly. She rushed over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. After our embrace, she looked at me in my eyes. “What are you doing here?” “I moved back and my son is playing.” “You have a son. Which one is he?” I pointed out Jonah. “He is number 4.”  “I can't wait to meet him. Can we go talk somewhere real quick.” “Yeah. Yall make sure Gwen is okay.” I said to my brothers. They nodded then April and I walked off to a secluded area.
April engulfed me again “It’s so good to see you.” “It’s good to see you too.” “I know Joy is looking down on you and is so proud of you.” “I miss her every day.” Tears spilled from my eyes I wiped them away. “When did you come back” “I have been here about two years now but I am getting a divorce so I’ll be leaving again,” April said?
“Wait what’s going on.” “Maddison is starting shit. I caught her with my husband earlier today.” “Gavin’s wife” “Yeah. I heard you and her became friends I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. I had no proof.” “Proof of what.” “I know she is the sole reason behind Joy’s suicide.” I froze in place.
“what” “Mone, listen I never had proof all I know is she hated the friendship you and Joy had. You saw that.” “I know she was there when Joy died just so, so comforting. When I cried she was there. Even at her funeral. Even when I wanted to go to her grave. She said I’ll go with you.” I said fully crying.” ‘That’s how snakes work. The wait until it’s time to strike.” “She has done that.” “What do you mean?” “Can we talk about it later?” “I was always closer to Joy than her she knew this. Why do you think she was the source behind Joy’s suicide.”
“Some days before she kept saying she wishes Maddison would leave yall alone. Then she got pictures.” I watched April drop her head. “Pictures of her with other girls and pictures of her, Maddison and your dad in compromising situation. I know She never slept with your dad. Joy saw him as another dad. The letter that went with them was burned so was some of the pictures. Those are the ones I found. I know she did something.”  
My heart re-shattered and a wound I thought had healed begin bleeding again as the pain hit me like a ton of bricks. I sat down on the ground and the pain engulfed me like a sick hug.
Finally pulling myself together. April hugged me tightly. “Let's go finish watching the game.” I smiled best I could “Let’s”
After the game we were walking out we saw Gavin and Maddison in a heated argument yelling back and forth. “Gav is everything alright?” Gwen asked as Maddison turned to face us with black eye and cuts and bruises all on her face. “Bitch you can get it again,” April says as Patrick grabs her by the waist holding her back. “I know you fucking did something to twin sister you fucking hoe. Tell everybody how you fucked my husband hours ago.”
Gwen went up punched Maddison in the face. “Hoe” she said. Maddison rubbed her cheek. “What are you waiting for Simone.” I just stared at her the looked at Gavin. “You want to be with my husband. Come ahead but just know my pussy is all over his dick. He fucked me like long ago. Actually, after he found out I told him Jonah was dead.
Rage surge through me. “Did you?” I asked lowly. “Simone its n-“ I cut him off and slapped him in the face. “Don’t you ever fucking talk to me again Gavin. I mean NEVER. I yelled the last part. Then walked off fighting back tears.


“What she needed to know” “You remember when I fucked you the last time Maddison,” Gavin asked. “You want it again hubby” “I had you face the other way because I didn’t want to see your face and I needed to around just to get answers. I don’t want anything to do with you again.” “Gavin this is all a misunderstanding. Let's get past this. Let's start over.”



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