Chapter 18

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                   (two days later)
Waking up early to go meet my uncle for breakfast and sneaking out before my mom gets up is no fun, but I have to do it. Riding the bus to the place where my grandma always makes me feel so kind of pain to me. Sending my uncle a quick text a few moments later he emerges from the doors.
“Morning. How are you doing Jon.” “I’m alright. I mean I guess I am.” He looked at me with a confused looked. “How about we talk about it over breakfast,” Odell said. I nodded. “Where is uncle Patrick he is supposed to be joining us.” “He got called into work last night. He said he does want to spend some time with you this week.” “That’s fine with me. I want to spend more time with yall and with grandma much as possible.”  Arriving in the cafeteria we get us our breakfast pay and sit at a table.
“You ready to say what’s wrong.” “I need to protect momma from him.” “Him as your father or someone else and why does she need protecting?” “Sunday he disrupted our family day but he told me something, a few days later I asked him to come over to tell him it didn’t make a difference I wanted us just to talk about football.” “Okay I still don’t see how Simone needs to be protected” “He hurt her again and I saw it.” “What did you see.” “They were talking then she was sad again.”
“Jonah do you know what they were talking about?” “No,” I say softly then drink some of my juice. “So you are unaware of what was being said. Are you sure it's your mom you are trying to protect and not just you?” I paused about to speak but couldn’t say anything. “Jonah you are entitles to feel how you want and need to but don’t use your mom. You are using her to protect your feelings and your heart. Don’t allow someone to tell you that you shouldn’t be hurt. I can see the pain you trying to hide. This is a lot for you.” a tear slid down my face but quickly wiped it away. “Jonah it’s no harm in crying or being scared to open up to him. What you choose is what you choose no one can or will fault you.”
I nodded in understanding. “I cant uncle Odell. I always see the pain in momma’s eyes, I remember hearing her cry at night. He did this to us.” “What did he say when he talked to you. He apologized and told me why.” “Do you believe him?” “I don’t know. I don’t know anything when it comes to him and his family.” “I think you, him, and your mom needs to really talk.” I open my mouth to interrupt when I saw uncle Odell hand go up to stop me before continuing. “When you are ready. Regardless of how things are now, they had to have some feelings towards each other to make you. I know Simone loves you and from what I see I think your dad does also but it will take your time. When you are ready and want answers then you know what you have to do.” I nodded.
“What if I’m never ready?” “Why are you scared of the truth?” I couldn’t speak. Uncle Odell continued. “You will be ready one day Jonah. It may not be today or tomorrow but you will be ready one day. When you are ready for the answers and to hear the truth they will be there. They are the only ones who can give you those answers and the closer you need.”  “Momma told me the truth” “How can she tell you the whole truth when she doesn’t even know it. All she knows is what he told her.”
“Your siding with him over your sister and nephew. Your blood.” “Jonah stop. No one is against you. Your hurting I get that but no one is out to hurt you.” “Doesn’t seem like that.” “Who is out to hurt you?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I know he hurt you and your mom. You never thought you would ever see him now he is here and your pain is turning into anger which is a deadly combination. This is tearing you up and if you don’t get this together with it's going to do more harm than good.” “Why can't he just leave us alone?” “Why can't you give listening to both of them a chance. I know you're not ready and it's hard but this is something you need to do and what you need to hear.” 
“Uncle Odell why didn’t no one want me to want me except momma, you, Patrick, and my two grandma’s.” “I can't imagine what you're going through or feeling.” “I’m just someone everyone wanted dead but my momma. How do I get past that.” I say as tears spilled from my eyes.  

“Gwen who are you texting that is keeping you smiling.” “You will find out soon enough. I am bringing him to the homecoming on the yacht.” “About that don’t tell Simone that I am married to Maddison.” “Why not.” “Maddison wants to tell her herself or so she says.” “You don’t believe her” “I no longer shit Maddison says too me.” “Little brother are things that bad?” “I’m counting down” “to what.” “Are you really ready to move on Gwen?” “It has been long enough and this man makes me happy. It feels good to be wanted by someone.” “I’m happy for you sis.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me about Simone?” “I don’t know. I guess because it all happened so fast.” “How did you meet her. Tell me the story of Gavin and Simone.” “Cant I don’t really know it.” “That sounds vague.” “Can we stop talking about Simone.” “Do you like her?” I sighed. “I got to get back to school,” I say standing up. Walking over to Gwen I kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you later little sister.”

Sitting in the Cookout waiting for Keith I looked at my phone seeing a text from my brother.
Odell: I got Jonah to school on time. When you free we need to talk.  Texting back
Simone: I will call you tonight.When I hit send I saw Keith walk in.
“Hey beautiful,” he says as he places a soft kiss on my lips. “Hey, you,” I say biting my lower bottom lip. “I can't stay long but I want to get a quick lunch with you.” I smile. “How about dinner. I can go to your place and cook dinner.” “NO,” he said loudly and in a rush. “Sorry I asked.” “No baby it's not that. I meant why don’t I come to your place and cook for you. That’s if it's fine with you and Jonah.”
Before I could speak I heard Keith’s phone go off. “Excuse me.” He said as he got the phone and answered it with. Looking at him trying to hide a smile. “I’m sorry that was school. How about that dinner.” 

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