Chapter 49

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                  { a week later }

Going into the living room of my uncle Patrick’s apartment I hear him on the with someone discussing something about my grandma. When he sees me he stops talking. “I’ll call you back,” he said then hung up the phone. “Was that your father?” “It was him.” He said as a knock on the disturbed us. He opened the door as my uncle Odell came through the door with food. “Hey, nephew good game last night. How is your mom.” “I talk to her earlier she said she good her leg is still bothering her.” He nodded at my response.
“I need to know something from both of yall.” The both looked at me giving me their full attention. “Please promise me yall will not take none of this the wrong way. Please.” “Jonah this sounds serious,” Odell said. “It is” “What is it.” “How can yall have respect for yall father after what he did to my mom your sister to me. I don’t get how yall can say yall love me and her your sister but still respect him after what he did to us.”  Silence engulfed us
“Jonah first thing Odell and I love our sister and we love you too. We were ready to rebel but Odell said something to me that changed” “Which was” “We would be leaving our mom with him.” “So everybody is just like to hell with them?” “No we all had to make hard choices when our dad did that.” “Yet you still call him dad.” Focused on their face I can tell they are deep in thought before Odell spoke.
“Please sit down.” I sat in front of them on the footstool as he continued. “Your right but so were we. I’m sorry you got hurt in all of this disarray, but you need to understand this was difficult for all of us. We lost our sister and nephew” “But you still had a family what did have? Nothing because no one wanted me except my mom right.” “No, Jonah that’s not right. When Simone told us she was pregnant we didn’t have time to celebrate or rejoice in it. We had to be happy and supportive from a distance.” Uncle Patrick got up and went upstairs. “From a distance why not distance yourself from him I mean he threw your sister out in the street with nothing why not be a man and go to her rescue? Let me ask you this what is my mom was your daughter. I mean really imagine you have a child, a daughter she comes to you and says I’m pregnant and you throw her out but her brother goes after her what would you think of him.” He nodded his head. “I would know he is a better man than me. But Jonah I would never throw a woman or my child out under no circumstances but you allowed your sister to be.”  He couldn’t say anything as Patrick came back downstairs.
He handed me an envelope. “Open it” Retrieving the content inside I see a sonogram picture. I look at him confused. “Look at the name” “It’s momma’s name” “And that’s you. She sends us these pictures. We had to be happy and share this with her. It hurt us to Jonah. Our mom knew we could go so she held our hand tight as she could fighting back tears and at that moment we knew she needed us more. Don’t get me wrong we knew Simone needed us too but it was something about momma needing us. I’m so sorry you feel like we don’t want you or we don’t or didn’t love you. Odell and I did.”
“And your father” “That I-“ “He didn’t and he don’t.”  “Momma is gone now and Patrick and I were going to wait to inform you and Simone that we are cutting him out of our lives. He stayed this long for our mom. Jonah looks at me.” He says as I looked in his eyes. “He stopped being my father the day he put my sister out like she was some trash.”
“Same here we stayed for momma and you know Simone would have told us too.” I nodded slowly. “Nephew you have a lot of people who love you and will do anything for you but you won't let them or us in your wall is a wall of pain. We are here for you and Simone both any time you want to talk or need more answers we will give them to you or help you get them. That’s our promise to you.” Odell said. “Can we go somewhere” “Sure where do you want to go,” Patrick said.
Pulling up at the house I just stared at it. “You sure about this?” Patrick turned asking me. “Only certain answers he can give me.” “Alright let’s go,” Patrick said about to open his door. “No. I need to do this on my own.” They nodded in understanding as I got out and went to the front door knocking waiting for him to answer.
Standing out front I turned back to the car and saw both of my uncles looking at me. When the door swung open. Turning back around I was face to face with him. “What the hell are you doing here. I threw your whorey ass mother out and I’ll do the same with you.” “Why do you hate my mother so much. What did she ever do to you?” “She’s a fucking who-“ I didn’t even let him finish before I punched him in the nose.
“You fucking bastard,” he said trying to swing on me but I quickly moved then hit him again. “Stop disrespecting my momma.” “Listen you mixed breed bastard that slut yo-“ I punched him again this time in his jaw. I jumped on top of him repeatedly punching him blow after ‘til I felt someone pulling me off of him. “Jonah” I heard my uncle Patrick says.
“I wish my blood didn’t flow through that cum slut and your half breed ass.” Breaking out of Patrick’s hold I charged at him again with all I had punching him. Grabbing him by his face I slammed the back of his head into the concrete steps. “Fuck you,” I say as I slammed his head again. “I swear I wish I could extract your DNA from me. He sits up with blood all over his face. “You know how I knew that bitch was a slut? When I set her up.” He says laughing. I punched him again.
“What did you say,” Odell asked. He was there smiling as Odell punched him and punched him some more. “I helped, I knew” “KNEW WHAT” I yelled out “I helped whore that slut out” I blacked and punched him more and rammed his head on the porch then went inside ad destroyed his house. Walking out of the house I saw some brinks on the corner of the house. I got two of them throwing them at him. One hitting him on the chest one on his arm. I watched as Patrick punched him.
Going to get two more I stood over him and throwing both on his head then kicked him hard in dick “FUCK YOU” I say walking off. 
After a shower, I called my mom and I was so happy to hear from her but I still don’t know what that fucker was referring to so I didn’t tell her what I did. I will when she gets home. I know for sure I am going to fund out and make whoever hurt my mom pay.




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