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16yrs prior  

*Simone POV*

“Simone,  c’mon it’s a back to school party. We start school on Monday.” “I’m going to the 9thgrade. I’m not an upperclassman.” “It is not going to matter c’mon. Go with me. You know your parents will let you go with me and besides I am older and an upperclassman as you say and I want my best friend with me.” “Ugh fine I’ll go with you Maddison.” “You will not regret bestie. I will be back about 9:00 to get you please wear something sexy. “I will not. I am going to wear a tee shirt and jeans.” “Siiiiiiiiimone no.” “Maddie no one is going to care what I am wearing.” “I am picking you out something when come back.” 

-          At the party 

“Simone, who do you keep looking at.” Maddison followed my eyes before I could speak. “Gavin Langsford huh.” “Maddie he cutie nothing more.” “Go dance with him.” “No thanks. Can we leave now.” “ We only been here a hour and half. Just a little longer.” “A little longer I am really uncomfortable here.” “ Loosen up everything is going to be just fine.” ……
-          The first day of school -  

Sitting in the library during study hall getting started on homework when a figure came and stood behind me then sat in the seat beside me. when I looked up I was meet with his eyes. Mr. football star himself……. Gavin Langsford.  

“Your Simone right, Simone Blackstone?” “how do you know me.” “I saw you at the party. I wanted to talk, but I couldn’t find you.” It’s fine, I have to go.” I was gathering my things when he got my arm making me stop. I looked up at him and he released my arm. “Can you come to the game Friday cheer me on.” “The school has cheerleaders.” I said then walked off quickly. After I got into the corridor I heard my name being called repeatedly which made me walk faster.

~ later that day ~  

“Simone please tell me you did not say that to Gavin.” “ He is looking for his new flavor of the week to start the school year off with and I will not subject myself to that foolery. He can find another one.” “Mone, how do you know how he does not genuinely like you. You are so pretty I do not know how you do not see this in you yourself. Everybody around you do including Noah.”

“Can we please drop this. It is no Gavin and me.”
“It could be”
“But it is not.”
“Mone, how about this if he asks you to the game again me and you will go and if he don’t then I will never bring up Gavin to your gain. Fair.”
“UGHHHHHHHHHH fine Maddie, but Gavin has moved on and I am going back to being invisible to him and other guys.”
-          Thursday –
Sitting in the library doing my homework when I felt eyes watching me. Feeling extremely uncomfortable I gathered my belongings and go out the door. As I am walking down the corridor a hand goes over my mouth and I pulled into the dark room. I bite my attacker's hand trying to make my escape when I heard my name from a familiar, yet rare voice.  

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