Chapter 20

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Standing there looking at him while he looks at my mom with disgust. “DAD!” Uncle Patrick says. “Now is not the time. Mom needs us and she would want Simone and Jonah here.” “Odell don’t tell me what my wife wants. I know what’s best for this family. And the last time I checked having a cum slut daughter and a mixed up bastard child is NOT IN MY FAMILY.” “NOW IS NOT THE PLACE” Patrick said through clenched teeth.   
He seethes looking between all of us before Uncle Odell spoke. “How is mom. What did the doctors.” “I will not talk about your mom in front of non-family members.
“Jonah,” my mom says lowly. Looking up at her. “C’ mon baby. Let's go see my mom.” She grabbed my hand as we went by him. I could feel the hatred toward me and my mom radiating off of him. Walking down the hall looking at my mom I can see her heart breaking.  As we got closer to the grandma’s room momma started walking slower. “Momma?” “It’s going to be okay baby.” She says with a smile fighting back tears.
Walking in her room seeing her with more tubes and wires all over her. I felt a pain inside of me that never felt before. Momma walked over to the other side of her bed and took her hand into hers. She kissed grandma's cheek. “I’m here momma.” She said as the tears spilled from her eyes.

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After a while, grandma stirred before opening her eyes. “Momma” “Simone.” She said weakly. “You didn’t have to come here.” “Momma stop. How are you.” “Baby I’ll be alright” She looked over at me. “Jonah,” She patted my hand and smiled as tears welled up in her eyes.
“Jonah I need to apologize to you.” “Why grandma” “It's my fault. You don’t have a strong foundation for a family or what a family is. I allowed my husband to do what he did.” “Grandma.” “Let me get this out Jonah.” “Yes ma’am” “when Simone left I was never the same, but it's my fault I should have stopped him but I didn’t. The only family you had was your mom. When it should have been all of us, and by all of us I mean your fathers family. Now I know you don’t want to hear this but you need to Jonah.” I nodded then she continued.
“If you are going to be angry with them you need to be angry with all of us except your mom. None of us was there for you or your mom.” Warm tears cascaded down my face. “Gran-“ “Jonah, I know your hurting and was hurt by everybody who is supposed to love and protect you. I wasn’t there neither was Odell or Patrick just like your father’s side was not there. Our communication with you and Simone was limited and controlled. That’s not what family is. Baby, you can't choose your family. You can be angry, fight, and disappointed in them but you can't choose them.” She paused as I wiped her tears away.
“If you can find it inside of that wall you build up to let me, Patrick and Odell in why can't you let them in.” “What about William, your husband?” She begins to cry harder as I leaned down to hug her. Once I finally leaned back up. “Jonah I am not going to be here much longer you have a grandparent who will love and support you. Even though I am not going I will still be watching you smiling down every time you play I will be watching. Then I’ll be able to jump up and down and yell for you.” I smiled
“Jonah it's scary opening up especially against those who hurt you but if you don’t try you will be like them turning away from something special.” “I cant. It hurts too bad. I want to but I just can't.” “You are acting like we are all going to fail you, Jonah, we already have failed you. All we can do now is try. Why did you forgive us? We did worse to you than they ever did. Why dd you let us in Jonah.” Thinking about my grandmother’s word made everything stand still while spinning me out of control all at the same time. “Or have you really and honestly forgave us. You're doing this for your mom.” “I” my voice cracked. “Its okay baby. We understand.” Before I could speak the door open.
He was standing there for a few moments before yelling.  “GET OUT MY WIFE’S ROOM” “William stop. I need to finish talking to them.” “You have three minutes Pat” He closed the door. “Jonah what do those tears represent.” She looked at me with a broken heart and sad eyes, “Don’t answer just think about it.” I leaned down and hugged her again. “I love you, grandma.” “It's nowhere near close as to my love for you even when I did you wrong. Okay to be scared and afraid, but you can't live in this misery.” “Yes, ma’am.” I leaned up as she turned to look at my mom.
“Simone betrayed my daughter for a man.” I watched as both my mom and grandmother broke down. “Williams mother always said when you marry you submit and do what the man says because he is head of the house. I didn’t see the harm in it until he kicked you out. I should have chosen my children over him. I don’t know why I didn’t it's no excuse because I was wrong. I missed my only daughter becoming a mom to her son she fought to have him. Please don’t be like don’t you dare allow a man to put you in a situation between him and Jonah.” She took a breath before continuing.
“You are not only a better woman than me but a better mother than me. I remember the good times we had we shared. I tried to protect the glass of you but I let your father shatter you, by not stopping him. For years I lived with a piece of my heart missing. Simone, when you had Jonah growing inside of you I always prayed you felt the same happiness I felt when I carried you. Yet,  know you didn’t. We all turned our backs on you when we needed you the most. I felt less than nothing. I’m so sorry. Please believe me I never stopped loving you. I missed the moment you got completed to fully be a woman when you had Jonah, my grandson.”
She cried harder. “I’m so sorry. I can't say I’m sorry enough.” Before she could continue. The door open and stood the devil. “GET OUT” My grandma was about to speak. When my mom spoke up. “Mom I love you.” She said hugging her. She stood back up with tears in eyes. “We’ll be back soon mom I promise.” I kissed my grandma “I love you.” “You remember what I said. I love you more.” We walked by him and I wanted to ask but I kept it to myself.  
We got back to the waiting room and Patrick was sitting in a chair. “Patrick,” Momma said. “Hey, sis. How is mom? She talked to us. I know she is weak.” “She is but we got a little more time with her. At least that’s what the doctors say.” “what did the doctors say about mom.” “She had another seizure and it was worse. Her condition deteriorates more rapidly, however with some rest and new medication we will have her here for a little bit longer.” “Okay, I will come around more.” “I will also,” I said.
“Where did uncle Odell go.” “To get something to eat.” Patrick said as he walked in the door with food from Zaxby’s “Simone I’m sorry about dad.” Patrick, William is never going to change. “Simone he still should have said what he said to you or Jonah. He doesn’t even know Jonah.” “Mom needs us that’s the most important right now,” Momma said. “That’s why I didn’t argue or want mom getting upset. She needs to rest she has been through enough.” Momma said.
When we finally got home I took a much-needed shower. The warm water relaxed my muscles but the conversation with my grandma replayed in my mind. Getting out I dried off and put on my PJs then headed downstairs. I heard my mom crying while trying to clean up the kitchen. I rushed to her and hugged her tight as I could.
A little while later of holding my mom while she cried I broke the silence. “Mom you go take a long bath and get some rest. I’ll clean this up.” “Thank you, baby, I love you, Jonah.” “I love you, momma.” She kissed my cheek then walked upstairs.  
As she went upstairs everything I have been holding in finally came out. I slid down the wall and cried.

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