Chapter 16

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                {Monday morning}
Waking up remembering seeing Simone sleep I close my eyes drifting off again.
Knocking on her door. I am surprised when she opens it. Seeing her in a white tank top and grey jogging pants. She quickly tries to close the door but I’m too quick for her and go into her house. “What the hell do you want Gavin, I’m doing my homework.” “I’ll help come on.” “I don’t need it.” I grab her hand “Just come on.” “I’m not having sex with you so you can leave now.” I laugh “You think I came over to have sex with you.” I watch her nod her head. “I came over to see why you blew me off in school.” “I get this is a concept your not use to but not every girl wants you.” “Correction you don’t want me” “Take the hint and leave.”  I watch her get on her bed and resume doing her homework.
I walk over to her kiss her neck. “Keep your lips off me. Who knows what STD girl you been kissing.” “Are you jealous cause I can kiss you too.” She rolled her eyes I took that time to pick her up. Turning around I fall back on her bed. Quickly interlocking our hands I just stared into her eyes. “Sim…”
“Gavin, Gavin wake up.” I groan hearing Maddison’s voice. “Where were you last night you never brought my food and when you came home you slept in another room.” Getting out of bed I walk past her to the bathroom and close the door in her face. Walking down stair I see Maddison in the kitchen cooking. “I’ll just grab something. I have to go before I’m even later.” “You said we were fixing this. What bitch were you fucking Gavin.” Blankly staring  I turned walking out the door.  
Pulling up to my parent's house I see my mom outside watering her flowers. Getting out my car I smile at her.
“Good morning momma,” I say kissing her on the cheek. “What’s wrong I see it in your eyes.” “I’m fine. I talked to Jonah last night.” I watched her face light up. “How is my grandson?” “He’s good.” “Is he ready to come around?” “No, and I can't blame him. What I did was fucked up. I didn’t just hurt Jonah, I hurt Simone as well.” “How are you going to fix this.” “Mom this not a broken toy or a washer. This was their hearts and I broke it. Did I mean to no, but it also doesn’t make it right.” “Gavin this was 16 years ago.” “Its still very present.” “Do you like Simone I mean do you want to be with her. Gavin” She says in harsh tone before continuing, “You need to think about your wife.”  
“Where is dad I need to see if we can yacht.” “Are you taking Jonah.” “No. This is for the adult homecoming party Maddison and I are having for the football booster club.” “Sounds fun. Yall can use it.” “Mom its dad’s yacht.” “Yeah I know, like I said yall can use it.” “Thanks, mom,” I say before walking into the house.

Rushing out the shower to answer my phone. “Hello” “what do you mean don’t come to homecoming?” “Hello, Allen. Just what it sounds like don’t come.” “Darling your days are numbered and you trying to grasp anything to save the inevitable from happening.” “Gavin is not going to leave me” “What makes you so sure Maddie?” “I know my husband? “Does he know you?” “Damnit Allen just stays away. Say something came up.” I hear him laughing.
“Not going to be able to do that.” “I’ll pay you” “Maddy don’t you want to see me. Remember what hap-.” “Don’t fucking bring up the past and don’t fucking come.” “If your marriage is so solid what are you worried about?” “Nothing” “See you soon buttercup.”
I hung up the phone screaming out loud. When I heard a knock on my door. I ran to make sure the towel is still secure around my body. “Who is it” I called out. “Gwen” I open the door and smiled “Hey are you. It’s some breakfast left but let me put on some clothes really fast.” “Take your time.”
After getting dressed I went back downstairs to see Gwen drinking something. “Sorry I took so long.” “Don’t worry. I can't stay I have to get to work but for the homecoming for me it will be a plus one I hope that fine.” “It sure is. Who is the lucky guy.” “I meet him Friday but we have been talking none stop.” “I’m happy for you especially after your ex.” “Don’t even bring him up. What about you are you excited to meet Jonah’s mom. She is really sweet.” “What are you talking about?” “The football player’s parents are coming” “Oh yeah. I thought you meant another family dinner. Again I  hated I missed that one. Work called.” “I understand. Speaking of work I have to go but call me later and let's do lunch this week.” “Of course Gwen.” We hug then she goes to her car and leaves.
“FUCK” I scream out. Then gather all my belongs and leave for work. ‘Hopefully, I can get con them into sending me somewhere so I won't be here for this event’ I say to myself. 
“Hey, momma.” “Hey momma P” I hear Jonah and Steve say to me.  “Hey boys. How was school today.” “Momma P coming to your house to eat is the best parts of my day.” I laugh at Steve as I fixed our plates which consist of honey glazed ribs, broccoli and cheese, and roasted carrots.
Sitting down eating Jonah broke the silence. “Momma how was work today?” “Work was good so good in fact I might get a promotion. I have to go to the Sierra Nevada mountain range. A new lodge is opening up and I have gotten contracted to do the interior décor in all of it. If I do a good job then I get a promotion.” “That’s good momma. Oh, I almost forgot I got this paper for you about some fundraiser thing.” “Momma P can you go in place of my parents too.” I and Jonah both look at Steve.” “What. My parents are white, white. As in still hippies. I’m embarrassed” 
“Hippies Steve.” “My parents will come bright colored shirts and bell bottoms.” Jonah burst out laughing while I try to contain my laughter.” “This is not funny. I tell them the games on Thursday’s so they don’t show up.” “Steve tell your parents when you play. You may be ashamed of what wearing, however, you are their son and I know they are proud of you and want to see you.”  “Yes ma’am, but can I at least tell them to tone the colors down.” I shake my head and laugh at Steve. 

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