Chapter 13

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‘C' mon' pick up the phone’ I said aloud waiting for him to answer. After another ring, I heard his voice.
“What” “I need you. I messed up and I need you to help me fix this.” I heard him laughing. “Allen this is not funny. I need you to help me right this wrong.” “Which wrong are you trying right now. I can’t keep up Maddie.” “Allen this is not funny” “I beg to differ.” He says laughing. “Gavin moved out” He stopped laughing and paused.
“What. What do you mean he moved out” “I kinda said something to him.” “What exactly did you say Maddison” “It doesn’t matter. I need your help.” “With” “Tell him I didn’t mean it and to come home.” “Are you serious. I have no clue what you're sorry for.” I told him that he and his son will never be close or have a father-son bond.” He paused again.
“And you want me to fix that?” Before I could answer the line went dead. I quickly called back but he sent me to voice mail. I continued calling and leaving voice mails ‘til I couldn’t any longer. I quickly texted Allen
Don’t forget Homecoming is weeks away. Your time with Gavin has an expiration date on it also.
I waited for him to reply but he never did. I decided to try and fix this myself.  
Arriving at the hotel I walked up to the desk clerk. “Hello, I need my husband's room number. He told me when we talked earlier but I was in a rush and I forget what he said.” “Sure no problem what’s your husband's name?” “Gavin Langford” She stopped looking at her computer then at me. “Sure and I and Prince Harry’s wife.” She said then rolled her eyes. I politely smiled and showed her several pictures of Gavin and me together. “What were you saying about being Prince Harry’s wife?”
“If you are Mr. Langford’s wife then why not text or call him to get the number?” “I came in early and our house is not done being worked on and I come to surprise my husband.” She eyed me suspiciously but gave me the room number and a key.
I knocked on the door no answer. I knocked again still no answer. I let myself in with the key. Headed into the shower I saw a picture Gavin had on his open laptop. A picture of Jonah. Looking at him, noticing how much Jonah is the perfect blend of Gavin and Simone. ‘They made a handsome son’ I say out loud.
“Yeah, we did” I head Gavin’s voice than the door slam making me jump.  “What the fuck are you doing here?” “Gavin this is silly it’s time to come home.” “You mean to the house of lies.” “Gavin I’m sorry. You took what I said out of context.” “I’m sorry what?”
“I didn’t mean it how it sounded. I just meant for now. You and Jonah will it will just take time.” “That’s what you meant Maddison.” “Yes, Gav it is,” I say walking closer to him. “Bullshit Maddison” “Gavin it’s the truth.” “Why didn’t you come to the game on Friday. Scared Simone would see you?” “I was at the game Gavin. The first touchdown Jonah threw to number 13 he caught it ran it n for the touchdown. Right.”
“It’s not hard to google Maddie now get out.” “Gavin please, this is our marriage. I am fighting for us. What about my son Maddison?” “I want him to be apart of both of our lives.” “Go tell Simone that and while you are telling her that be sure to tell her what you told me.” “If that what it takes for us to rebuild and get past this then I will. Come home, Gavin.” “I need time to think” I nodded.
I walked over and kissed Gavin. I then let my hand go to his dick. Whispering in his hear. “Somebody missed me.” Starting to unbutton his pants when I felt his hands on mine. “My dick might miss pussy but I can get that anywhere.” Looking at Gavin dry chuckle before he continued. “thinking a quick fuck would fix shit. Maddison gets out. I told you I would think about it and I will.” “Gav I don’t think a quick fuck will fix us but I want you to know I love you and want us to rebuilt and be stronger than ever.” “We will see Maddison” Placing a kiss on Gavin’s lips hoping he would respond but he didn’t. “Bye Gav” I look at him one last time then left.   
“Alright coaches homecoming is quickly approaching what fundraiser do yall have in find to help the booster club this year for the banquet.” I heard Mrs. Rush ask. I felt every eye in the room bore holes in me. “I have no clue.” “Well am glad you said that coach Langford or Mr. Langford. I am not sure what to call you.” She says giggling like a teenager talking to her crush. I rolled my eyes before she continued.
“Well I was thinking you and your lovely wife could have a ‘homecoming’ party/dance for adults the Saturday after homecoming. I know a lot more people will be here since you are now coaching which will bring in more money.” Thoughts running through my mind. I do not want to fake being happy with my wife. As I thought of something. Smiling.
“Maddison and I would love to host the adult homecoming dance/event. In fact, we will do everything from every football players parents to mine and my wife’s graduating class.” “This is wonderful news. Thank you, Gavin.” I nod my head smiling while I walk out of the meeting.  
 Retrieving my phone from my pocket I called Maddison.
“Hello” I rolled my eyes hearing her voice. “Hey Maddie. I was thinking tonight when I get home we  could go out to eat, talk and hopefully, I could come home.” “Are you serious Gav?” I could hear her smiling through the phone. I took a deep breathe then continued. “Yes baby, I told you I would think about it and I have. I want you back.” “Yes, dinner tonight. I am so sorry Gavin  promise there are no more lies and I can’t wait to meet Jonah and give him brothers and sisters with his dad.” “me either. I have to get back to work but tonight it's our start over.” “I love you Gavin.” “Not as much as I love you, Maddie,” I said then hung up. 
When I hung up with Maddison I called Allen.
After the second ring, he answered. “I’m about to fuck some bitch this better be important.” “What’s her name?” “Shit, Gavin I don’t know.” “I was calling to let you know there is going to be an adult homecoming party Saturday. You need to stay for it.” “Sure not a problem. Who all going to be in attendance so I can see who I can fuck.” “Well me and Maddie hosting our graduating classes and some others.” “I fucked all them hoes. Well, I’ll give them this dick again.” “I will see you then.” He hung up the phone.
Leaving school to go meet Gwen at Hardee’s before I have practice.
I notice Gwen’s car after I parked. I went in immediately looking for her.
Looking I see her sitting down sipping her drink. Kissed her on the check. “Hey, sis.” “Hey, I didn’t know you had come in.” “I just got here. Did you order for me?” “Of course and I got you ice water to drink.” “Thanks.”
“How are things with you and Jonah?” “Well we somewhat talked about his mom and parties and he wasn’t hostile.” “That’s good. I wanted to ask if I could talk with his mom.” “Why do you want to talk with Simone?” “She is Jonah’s mother and the dinner was messy. I want to get to know her and Jonah and for him, it will take more time but I want to know her as well.” I nod my head. “Good idea. Not sure if Jonah will be open to it.” “I want to start with Simone and show her we can be civil hopefully friends even down the line.”
“Before I forget Gwen there will be a homecoming dance for adults me and Maddie throwing you coming.” “Are you asking or telling me” “It doesn’t matter because you will be there.” “You and Maddison back together?” “Long story.” “Listening.” “For ‘now’ Gwen” “What are you up too Gavin.” “What do you mean.”
“Just don’t let Jonah get hurt or be affected this.” “Trust me I’m thinking of my son.”

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