Chapter 96

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                   (A week later)

Simone and I finally got back and are on the way to my house to get the see Jonah and Steve before I take them to our new house. “I loved our honeymoon but I am glad to finally be home,” Simone said with her head rested on me. Kissing her head “I feel the same way sweetheart. Even with us extending our stay I only have a few days before I leave.” “UGHHHHH. Don’t remind me, Gavin.”

“Baby I will only be gone for a few weeks. With everybody around you and you starting up your business the time will fly by and you won't have time to miss me.” “Is this your way of saying you won't miss me.” “I always miss you. I’m going to hate leaving you, and our kids.” “I’m going to miss you but nights and when I’m alone it’s going to be way worse.” “I’m going to be with a man constantly who has it worse.” “Maybe I should go with you.” She says laughing.
Pulling up in the driveway I see Steve’s and Odell’s vehicles letting me know my kids are here along with my sister and brother in law. Opening the door for Simone as we were walking up to the door Steve comes running up “DADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY” jumping on me with his legs around me. Looking up I see everybody laughing at what just happen.

Steve gets down then walks over to Simone. “Hey momma L,” he says “I couldn’t jump on you. I don’t want to hurt the precious cargo.” Steve said rubbing Simone’s stomach. “Wait that means yall had” He got a sick look on his then begin making noises as if he was about to vomit.
“Let’s go inside,” Simone said. After saying hellos to everybody before I could say something Steve beat me. “Momma I got you some flowers.” He said bringing the vase of flowers to her. “Those are nice.” Gwen said. “Thank you I love them. What’s the care instructions for them?” Simone asked.

“Yeah about that. I don’t know I borrowed them from a neighbor.” Steve said. “You mean you stole them.” “No, I didn’t steal them I borrowed them.” “Borrowing means you are giving them back.” “Jonah, I know this. Soon as the beauty fades they can have them back. The flowers would have served their purpose.” “You're giving the neighbors back dead flowers.” Odell asked in an amused tone while Gwen tried to contain her laughter “They want to be completely dead. Just partially dead.”
“How partially.” “I don’t know like 98 percent. Yall have to think its still some beauty in the remaining two percent. Momma L” Steve looked at Simone like he was about to cry. “What do you want to eat.” She asked. As they were talking walked over beside Jonah. “Can we talk outside for a minute.” “Sure” Jonah and I slipped outside without anyone noticing us.  
“I had everything I wanted to say but seems I have lost all the words.” He smiled. “Just take your time.” Taking a deep breath I face Jonah. “I know I have said this before but I am deeply sorry for the unseen wounds and pain I brought to you. I can't use the excuse I was a teenager and didn’t know any better because I had unprotected sex.” Jonah was about to interrupt me but I had to get this out.
“Please just allow me to finish” he nodded his head. “I can't make up for the past, and I certainly can't undo it the damage is done but that ache is still sitting inside of me. I hate myself for the hell I put you and your mom through. Yes, it was outside interference but I set it in motion. I wasn’t a father or a man for you to look up to. Even though I am your father you, my son you are a better man than me. I know it will take some time for you to respect me but I want you to know you have mine. Whatever happens, I want you involved in everything. My greatest accomplishment was not playing in the NFL or anything of that nature. It was the moment I found you are my son. Even with all the anger and hostility, I was still happy, disappointed in myself, angry but that void I had been feeling all those years were filled when you and your mom came into my life.”
“Everything is different. I never had a family and now I do.” “I guess we learn together. I don’t know how to be a dad or what to do. All I can do is be there for you and support you in everything. May I ask one thing of you." "What is it?" "Don't have sex or engage in it 'til you fully understand it. Me and your mom we thought we knew but sadly we knew nothing. You saw your mom struggle being a single mom. I don't want some young lady coming to you then get pregnant just to have you as the father." "Like what happens to you the first time." "Yeah like that. Can I show you and your mom something tomorrow." "Sure you can I don't mind." I nodded then Jonah spoke again.

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