Chapter 19

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                           {Next night}
While finishing up cooking for me and Keith. I was distracted when my phone rang.
“Hello,” I say without looking at my phone. “hey. Did I catch you at a bad time? You sound out of breath or rushing to get to the phone.” “No Gwen you're fine. I’m just finishing up cooking dinner for my date tonight.” “OOOOO tell me more. Who is the lucky man.” “Well, I don’t know where we stand anymore.” “Why” “When we had lunch yesterday he was texting saying it was work but I got a feeling it wasn’t but I can't prove it and I also don’t want to jump to conclusions” “True don’t jump to conclusions, but don’t ignore you’re gut and instinct.” 

“Your right.” “I was checking to see if we could meet up before the game Friday and possibly a late dinner and drinks.” I smiled. “I would like that a lot, Gwen.” “Great. Um, Simone. When the tie is right and if Jonah excepts could I take him out for a day to talk and get to know him. I know he is not ready now but maybe in time. I wanted to ask you first to make sure it would be fine.” “Gwen your fine and if Jonah wants to that is fine with me.”
I heard my doorbell ring. “Gwen my date is here. I’ll call you back later.” “Enjoy yourself but not too much.” I heard her laughing. “Alright bye.” When I heard her say bye I hung up my phone.
Opening the door I see Keith standing in the door wearing a big smile. “Hey, beautiful.” He said giving me a bouquet of various colored roses. “Thank you. these are beautiful.” “You are beautiful” I smile moving over. “Come in. Dinner will be done n a few minutes. Would you like a glass of white wine.” “Of course. Is Jonah upstairs?” “No, he is with my brother Patrick.” I said as I felt his arms snake around my waist then kiss me in my neck before whispering in my ear.  
“I would hate from him to see me like this with his mom.” Before I could speak I heard his phone ping. “I guess you need to get that.” “No I don’t. all I need to do is make my queen feel good.” He says as he goes back kissing my neck.
My phone begins ringing non-stop. Getting out of his grip I got my phone. “Hello” “Simone its mom. Get to the hospital soon as you can.” I’m on the way” I say as I turn off everything. I have to cut this short. I deeply apologize.” “Simone talk to me.” “I don’t have time,” I say pushing him out the door. ‘Is it Jonah” “NO.” I say harshly. I open the door to my car “I will talk to you when you can.” I got in and driving to get to the hospital soon as I could.
“God please protect and watch over her ‘til I get there,” I say aloud.  

Getting out the shower I see a text from Keith.
Keith: Your plan is going down in flames. I hope you have another back-up plan.  
I swiftly called him but he kept sending e to voicemail, yet I couldn’t leave him a message. I texted him back to call me but I received another message saying that the number was no longer a working number. 
“SHIT,” I scream out. ‘I will not lose my marriage or my husband because of this shit from years ago.’ I say to myself.  
The door open. “Why are you yelling. What’s wrong?” Gavin ask. “I just hit my knee,” I say as I grabbed my left knee. “Can you help me to the bed.” “Sure.” Gavin picked me up and placed me on the bed. “Let me go get you an ice pack.” I kept trying to call and text Keith. I decided to check his social media only to find out they were gone or I’m blocked. “This cannot be happening.” I say as Gavin walks back in the room with an ice pack.
“Let me see your right leg and show me where it hurts the most.” I gave him my right leg while putting a pained expression on my face. “Baby please be careful its really sore.” “You're full of fucking lies.” Gavin said as he roughly pushed my leg off of him. “The hell Gavin.” “You said it was your left leg. I said give me your right leg you did. Saying it hurts so fucking bad. Tell me Maddison do you even know what the fucking truth is anymore.”
“After homecoming in three weeks, we are done,” He said then walked out as I ran after him. “Please just listen to me.” He kept walking. “GAVIN I AM YOUR WIFE” I listen to him laugh. As he goes into the guest room and gets clothes putting them in a bag. “Where are you going. And I’m not signing divorce papers.” He walked passed me without a word and out the door.
Grabbing my phone after half a ring I heard his voice. “What is it this time Maddie.” “You need to come early and tell Gavin nothing is wrong and don’t to homecoming.” I rush out. “What” “Come tomorrow and help me fix my marriage with Gavin.” “You still digging your own grave Maddie? When are you going to finally stop.” “You played a part in this too Allen.” “I’m going to own up to what did, but when are you.” He says. “Allen tha-“ I paused. “Allen.” I looked to see he has done hung up the phone.

Sitting in the waiting room to hear about my grandma. I keep praying hard hoping today isn’t my last day with her. I hear the sliding doors open as I see my mom running in.
“Momma” “How is she.” My mom asks hugging me. “We don’t know anything right now.” My uncle Patrick said as my uncle Odell stood up to hug my mom. “Let's pray,” Uncle Odell said. As we joined hands I heard a voice boom through the waiting room. “What are they doing here.” I turned toward the direction of the voice to see him with a disdained look on his face ‘til it started to hold more hatred. That’s when I realized how he was
My mom’s dad. The man who put us out with nothing.

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