Chapter 29

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“Gavin I swear it’s not what it looks like” “Looks like you are here fucking my friend. Both of you are naked, moaning, you riding him. What else is it to think?” “It's you deserve. You and April both.” Dean said. “What,” Gavin asked confused. “And what does your wife have to do with you fuck her.” Gavin continued to ask as Dean got out of the bed putting on his boxers.
“Dean don’t explain nothing to him. You can go I’ll tell him.” “No Maddison, this shit hurt me too,” Dean said as he walked up and punched Gavin in the face. “That’s for fucking my wife.” 
Gavin stood back up. “What the fuck are you talking about. I haven’t seen April unless she was with you.” “Maddison told me she caught you and my wife. MY WIFE.” 
Gavin looked over at me. “When did this encounter take place?” “Maddison said she walked in on yall at a hotel some weeks ago. It was a Monday I’ll never forget that call. Maddison was crying and s-“ I cut Dean off when I jumped in front of him. “Please don’t bring that memory back up.” I started crying and Dean held me.
“Stop the fake shit, Maddison. Continue dean.” Gavin said. “Dean you can leave,” I said. “No Maddison I see Gavin for who he is. Everybody grew up except for his bitch ass. Still going around sleeping with every woman he can not giving a damn who he hurt.” Gavin just bored his eyes into me. “Some weeks back Maddie here,” Dean said as he kissed me on the head and wiped my tears. “Told me she walked in on you and April. April said she was showing a house. More like showing you her ass.”  
“Was this like possible a month ago or close to it?” “Oh so now you remember?” “I do because I was a meeting with the booster club at school. It’s a room full of people who saw me. When was the other time.” “Your lying.” “Let's call the president of the booster club then let's go to the hotel. Surely they have a videotape.” Gavin said. I froze in place.
“You know you were with her Gavin.” Gavin laughed. “Does your new found friend Dean know what you did Maddie.” “Maddy said you would turn the tables. I’m not falling for your games.” “Bravo Maddison, bravo. Sign the damn divorce papers.” “I will make sure the courts know you cheated on Maddison.” Gavin chuckled.
“This is just another one of her lies. I never slept with April. I haven’t even seen her. I contacted her to see if yall were coming to the homecoming event.” “That’s why we didn’t come. I knew you wanted to fuck her again, and that’s why you asked us to come.” I watched Gavin take his phone out handing it over to Dean. “Look in my phone for any clues that I fucked April. Let me know what you find.” Gavin said as he sits down on in the chair in our room while Dean looks through his phone. “Check the calendar too.”
Suddenly Dean’s body became paralyzed. “It shows you had a meeting and your text said that and when she called you it wasn’t a long call.” “Maddison hasn’t you fucked up enough peoples lives,” Gavin said.  “Actually tell me why you hurt Simone the way you did?”
“Simone. The girl from school a long time ago who up and left after what happened?” Dean asked. “What do you mean after what happened” Gavin said sounding enraged. “Dean just go,” I said through clenched teeth. As Gavin stood up and stalked toward us.
“Maddison bet me that you would take her virginity. Not only that she showed me when she recorded it. That was part of the bet to. After that I tried to get with her, she sh-“ Gavin punched him the face. “You fucked my wife. Why you so fucking pissed over a bitch from years ago.” “That woman is the mother of my child,” Gavin said then punched him again. “If April divorces you. I got her. I’ll make sure it's known she and I never slept together and this was another one of Maddison lies and manipulations games.” “MADDISON” Gavin yelled at me. “Tell him the truth NOW,” Gavin said coldly.
I remained silent looking at Gavin. “You are going to learn the hard way and lose your wife. Keep this lying bitch.” Gavin said getting his phone then leaving out the room.  
“Maddison you better be telling me the truth. Remember I know things about you.” pushing Dean back on the floor slowly grinding on him. “Dean baby I would never lie to you.” I felt him getting hard again. Sliding down on him I take his dick out and start sucking hard and fast before he could protest. “Maddddd. We can't.” I just got on his dick then started riding hard and fast.
“Fuckkkkkkk I’m cumm-“ I felt something hit me over the head. “April. Wha, wha, what are you doing here?” I heard Dean finally get out. “Gavin texted me.” I got up and saw her looking at me with a broken heart. I smiled at her. “You fucked Gavin.” Silent filled the room until the sound of the slap from April slapping Dean echoed throughout the room.
Before I could react she was on me punching me in the face. I was able to flip us over an punch her. He pushed me off of her the rammed me in the wall. Trying to regain my focus but couldn’t. As my vision was becoming clear my head went through the mirror then she grabbed my hair and banged it on the dresser several times.
“Let her go.” I barely heard him say as I fell to the floor.
Silence filled the air, but I still felt their presences.  Feeling my hair being jerked up. “AHHHHHHHHH” as she rammed my face in front of the dresser. “When you are going to finally grow up and stop fucking people over.” She slapped me across the face. “All this hell and for what? And don’t think” She slammed my head against the dresser again. “I forgot about what you did to my sister and her best friend Simone.” She slapped my face again then spit on me in my face.
She stood up. “I don’t bother coming to home Dean and I want a divorce.” Sitting up holding my head I see Dean rushing out behind her. As I smile. “Owe,” I say then smile again.   



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