Chapter 103

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                      {2 weeks later}

“Jonah is everything in place for your dad’s party.” “Yes, ma’am I am about to head over with Steve and finish decorating.” I smiled at my son. “What momma.” “You're so grown up now and I’m so proud of the man you are becoming.” “It’s because of you, momma.” “You did everything I just guided you.” Jonah came sitting beside me. “Mommy just want to say thank you. You raised me alone, sacrificed so much for me, love me through everything, the strongest woman I know.”
“Jonah, I loved you the moment I found out I was pregnant. Were there some dark and long days. Absolutely. Would I change it? No. It made us who we are. Now, look my baby is going to the NFL tomorrow.” He smiled resting his head on my shoulder. “Momma after the draft can I take a trip with you. Just me and you.” I smiled yeah baby we can.” “I just want to spend some time with you before I start my NFL career.” “You never have to say way. Just tell me.”  “I love you, momma.” “I love you more Jonah.” He kissed my cheek then left.
Laying down on the couch I felt my legs being lifted looking down I see Gavin. “He baby. Where are the twins at.” “Upstairs taking a nap.” Gavin said massaging my feet. “I still can't thank you enough Simone for what you did. I was so surprised when I saw Hallie and then seeing her daughter the next day.” I smiled remembering Gavin’s face.

“You are always doing for me and the kids, we wanted to do something for you. When Jonah told me I knew I had to find her.” “I remember when I first meet her I gave all of the stuff from the nursery.” Gavin stopped and was in a trance almost as if he was reliving the memory.
“Simone” “Yes baby.” “do you remember when we lost the baby.” A twinge of pain went through my heart.  “I do,” I said with sadness. “I think she is looking down on us smiling and playing with her grandma in heaven.” I smiled at the mirage Gavin was describing. “I miss our baby,” I said boring at Gavin in his eyes. “I do too Simone. I love our kids it’s doesn’t mean I stop thinking about our daughter that’s not here.” I move around laying on Gavin.

“She is happy Simone and that’s what’s keeping me going. What time is Gwen coming to get the twins.” Noticing the time I sat up. In a few.” “Let them stay sleep,” Gavin says kissing me as lust filled his eyes. “Stop Gavin” “No,” He said kissing me down my neck as he picked me up taking me upstairs.
“Gavin are you ready.” “Yes, sweetheart I am.” Gavin said coming out of the bathroom with a suit on and smelling good. “MMMMM” I moaned eyeing Gavin. “You can get it again when we get back home,” Gavin said winking at me. “I plan too,” I said as we left out of our room. “Don’t forget I need to check on something in the hotel I am decorating. Some pieces were supposed to come and I want to make sure everything arrived.” “That’s fine baby.”
Entering into the dark ballroom I was holding Gavin’s hand. “I need to turn the lights on. It’s on the other side of the room.” “Simone use your damn flashlight on your phone.” “I can't,” I said as we carefully walked ahead. “Why not.” “I left our phones in the car.” Gavin didn’t say anything but I could feel him burning holes in me instantly becoming insecure under his gaze even in the dark. Feeling something hit my foot I knew what to do. Turning around as Gavin does the same. “Here are the lights,” I said as the lights came on and everybody yelled

Gavin jumped and was surprised. “You did this” “Me and the kids.” “I love you,” Gavin said pulling me into a kiss. As we heard Steve in a microphone. “STOP KISSING MY MOMMA.  SHE GOING TO HAVE MORE KIDS. WHEN SHE WAS GIVING BIRTH TO ISAAC AND MILA I HEARD HER SCREAMING AND IN PAIN. I’M LIKE THAT TOO WHEN I’M CONSTIPATED. I DON-“ Jonah took the microphone from Steve as everybody laughed.

After the party was over I went over to sit beside my dad. “You ready for tomorrow.” “I’m just ready for it to be over with.” He laughed. “I can relate to that.” “What did you do the night before you were drafted.” “Truthfully I was at home. Me, Gwen and my parents we watched movies ate junk food.” “Sounds fun.” “It was.” “Dad before I go for training and all of that can we go on a trip. Just me and you.” “Of course Jonah.” “Thanks, dad. I love you.” “I love you too Jonah.”
                     {Next day}

Sitting at the table me and my family were assigned I was ready to get this over with. Looking at the look on my parents face they were so happy and proud of me and Steve. “Jon, Jon,” Isaac said trying to say my name. Stretching his arms I picked him up. He rested his head on my shoulder. “Here I’ll get him,”  dad said as I clutched on to me tighter. I looked over at Steve who was holding Mila playing with her. Sadness washed over me knowing Steve and wouldn’t be playing on the same team anymore.
“Welcome all to the 2019 NFL draft where son the son of the great Gavin Langford is projected to the number one draft pick.” “Let's not overlook the fact Gavin just retired.” “ He should still be playing. He was in his prime and at the top.” “What a shakeup just transpired.” “Here is the owner of the NFL” “Thank you. The Raiders would Like to select as the number one overall draft pick I Jonah Langford.”  
Hearing the applause and cheers I walked to stage still holding a sleeping Isaac. Making it to the stage I get my jersey and take pictures with the commissioner as they invite my family to the stage and we all took a picture together. What made this moment more special is the jersey is my dad’s number.  
“Here is the crazy thing. The Raiders had the round draft pick and the Colts just traded their number two pick and the Raiders jumped on it as they will pick later on in the first round but twice in round two and they will choose first next year.”
“The Raiders would like to select as the number two overall draft pick is Steven Blairs.”  Steve walked on the stage holding Mila hand as they were both smiling ear to ear. Steve picked up Mila and took pictures with her and he held his jersey. I looked at my parents and they were just as happy and excited like they were with me. They invited Steve’s family up and they took pictures then Steve’s family told all of us to come on stage. Then Steve and I took pictures together holding our jerseys.

“Dad can I talk to you” He nodded and we walked outside. “Congratulations Jonah.” “Thank you.” I hugged him tightly.

“I told all teams I would decline any and all offers if I didn’t have your number. I want to be as good as my dad. I love you and thank you loving me and supporting.” I said hugging my dad.




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