Chapter 63

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Hearing the door creep open I then heard the familiar voice. “Hello, darling.” Boring into her cold blue eyes. “Well, the doctors tell me the somewhat good news. Your spinal cord is in complete disarray, your right legs were broken in three places, and you somewhat paralyzed from your waist down. Meaning something you can feel and some you cant. I got to tell you I didn’t even think that was possible, yet here we are. I wish the fall would have done more damage.”
Extending my arm to reach for her but I couldn’t then I tried to speak. “Y-Y- You pay this,” I said motioning my hand's un and down my body. She said hysterically like had I told her a joke. “Se- Ser- s- serious.” “You're serious. Look at you Maddison, you can't even masturbate and cum exactly what are you going to do to me?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Hus-husband” “My husband you're going to have sex with my husband.” I pointed to myself.
“Your husband. You don’t have one the divorce is final. My son is moving on with his life. I must say I am glad he is done with you. I don’t know who he will end up with but anyone is better than you.” My blood begins to boil. She looked at me with a smug look. “You don’t want it to be with Simone is that it.” Part of me knew it was a chance but its never going to happen. I won’t allow it. “I can't say that’s their choice. What I can't grasp for the life of me is why hurt that poor girl the way you did.” We just stared at each other. “sh-she” “Just shut the hell up Maddison, I’m sick of hearing your lies. You set out to intentionally hurt her then when it call came to blow up in your face your trying to make your reasons valid, they're not valid.”
She looked at her watch. “Look at the time I have to go see my grandson play.” Trying to reach her again but failed. “Work on masturbating before coming after me dear.” She leaned down to my ear and whispered “By the way if you think this is it your sadly mistaken Maddison” Trying to reach for her but she caught hands. “I have all of your items, it's not like your going to need them and yes that includes your phone.” My eyes grew bigger. “You want your phone darling. Kind of how my son wanted who should have been his wife and son.” Balling up my fist I try to swing but end up hurting myself. “Silly girl. Like I said I am nowhere near close to being done with you.” She smiled then walked out.



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After winning this game and putting us one step closer in the playoffs I was so excited especially seeing the boys hard work paying off. After giving them a speech and telling them how proud I am of them I went outside to get some fresh air. I saw Simone, Gwen, Patrick, and Odell on their way out. Gwen saw and spoke. “Good game” “Thank you. I am hoping they go all the way taking the championship.” “I’m sure they will Gavin,” Patrick said. I nodded and smiled I couldn’t help but notice the look on Simone’s face. “Um, Patrick and Odell could yall walk me to my car,” Gwen asked they smiled and said yes. Wait did see Odell and Gwen holding hands.
Turing my attention back to Simone. “What’s wrong beautiful.” “I’m okay,” She said in a shaky and hurtful tone as her eyes went to a couple with a baby. Instantly I pulled her into a warm and tight embrace. “I miss our baby to Simone.” Her body felt weak in arms making me hold her tighter as she cried a little bit. “We will be okay in time. For now, we just had to take it day by day. I whispered in her ear. I kissed her forehead when we pulled apart.

“Let me walk you to your car.” She nodded her head as we were walking and talking she slipped her hand into mine. Her actions made me smile more. Approaching her car we held hands. “When I finish here I’m coming by to check on you. Do you need anything?” “No, just you” I kissed her then open her car door for her when she waved bye and left.
Finally, everybody was gone and I went to Simone’s house. Pulling up I get out of the car and knock on the door. Jonah answers giving me a questionable look. “I’m just here to check on your mom. He nodded then stepped to the side as I walked in. “momma in the living room.” He was about to go upstairs. “Jonah wait.” He faced me. “I’m not just here for Simone I’m also here for you also.” He nodded then went to his room.
Entering the living room I see Simone changing channels looking for something to watch. ‘I guess I’ll binge watch something on Netflix’ she said to herself because she doesn’t know I’m standing here. Watching her get frustrated because she can't find anything to watch is quite funny. “Still haven’t found anything” She jumped at my words holding her chest. “Shit you scared me,” she said as I laughed. “That’s not funny Gavin.” I sat down beside her. “I’m sorry baby,” I said kissing her cheek. “Liar. You meant to scare me.” I laughed more as she pushed me then went back to looking for something on Netflix to watch. Finally deciding she went and got two bottles of water then cuddled up to me as we watched the show.
“Gavin” “what is it” “What if our baby had survived.” “We would just have two amazing kids here on earth instead we have one amazing kid here on earth and one in heaven looking after all of us.” I wiped a tear the slid down her face then kissed her forehead. “I would like to think she was a girl.” I say interlacing our fingers. “why a girl” ‘Well I would go broke buying guns and knives, hiring bodyguards, and possibly assassins.” “Why” Simone interjected. “She without a doubt would have looked like you and then comes the boy hence my shotguns, pistols, rifles ju-“ She cut me off with a kiss then laughing. “Daddy way too overprotective.” “Daddy not protective enough.” “It’s too much.” I kissed her “let's watch this, and it's not too much when it comes to you and our kids” We cuddles tighter before I knew darkness took over.   
Hearing a loud grunt I woke up with Simone in my arms and angry Jonah staring right at us. Simone stirred then finally woke up. Her eyes locked with Jonah. “How could you do this to us momma to me after all he did to us, to me, to YOU. all the nights you cried, all the anguish he made you feel.” JONAH” I yelled, “that’s enough.” “I don’t have to listen to a damn thing you say. Your not my fucking FATHER OR DAD. All you did” I stood up and got in his face.
“Finish it. I dare you.” I said in a deadly tone. He looked at Simone while my eyes were trained on his. “Go upstairs and get ready to come back down when you are done.” “You don-“ “NOW” I yelled as he slowly backed away. Then went upstairs. I looked at Simone then went to upstairs to the other bathroom to brush my teeth. After I was done I go back downstairs and see Simone. I sit beside her then lay my head on her shoulder. She placed a her hand on side of my face then kissed me. “What’s going to happen,” Simone asked as we heard Jonah come down the steps. I lifted my head then looked at her.
I grabbed my car keys off the table the kissed her forehead and said: “Something that should have been done happened.” Then Jonah and I walked out of the house.




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