I'm coming

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*Todorokis POV*

As I left Midoriyas room I didn't know what to make of the situation. I had a feeling something was wrong but I didn't think it was this bad. Should I tell someone? I don't know. Who would I tell that could actually help him. Aizawa? All Might? His mom?

Maybe I won't need to tell someone if i'm able to help him instead. Besides, it's not like adults are really much help in these situations. I mean the last time I tried to tell an adult about my dad, they brushed it off as me being rebellious. I'll just have to check up on him as much as possible to make sure he's not hurting himself. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

I feel my phone buzz so I reach into my back pocket to see who texted me.
Uraraka: Did you check up on Midoriya??? Is he okay???

Should I tell her?

Todoroki: yeah everything's okay. he just had a cold but he'll feel better tomorrow hopefully

Uraraka: Oh okay that's a relief 😅 Well i'm going to get ready 4 bed. gn 🌙

Todoroki: k gn


*Midoriyas POV*

It felt pretty good to be able to tell someone. And I trust that Todoroki won't say anything. I couldn't help but feel a fuzzy feeling while he was holding me. What was that anyway? Ive never really felt something like this before.
Doesn't matter anymore though because the feelings gone.

*Time skip to next morning*

*Todorokis POV*

I walk into class and skim the classroom. Once I spot him I walk over to his desk. He's already talking to Asui and Uraraka as we wait for our home room teacher to arrive. The class is loud as ever with everyone trying to talk louder then the other as Iida tries to get everyone to settle down but soon gives up.

" Morning Todoroki." Midoriya says as I stop right in front of his desk.

" Morning. Feeling better?" I ask him already knowing the answer. He's as pale as ever with dark circles under his eyes. His hair is a bit matted as well. His green curls locked together in some areas. He's still cute as ever though.

" Yeah I feel great I just needed some rest is all." He says with a smile that's almost believable. At least enough for the others. But not me. I can see right through him. And my need to protect him will only keep growing stronger.

" That's good to hear." I respond to him and sit in my seat.

Class starts shortly afterwards with Aizawa hushing the class as begins his lecture.

" As you guys know spring break is approaching fast. As well as your midterms. I need all of you to do well so that way I don't have to hold extra lessons like last time. I expect every single one of you to pass no exceptions. That is all."

People like Bakugo and I have to worries when it comes to big test. But others like Kamanari and Aoyama will need to start studying if they want to pass. I look to Midoriya and he seems to be panicking for I don't know what reason. It's not like he's ever failed.

"You wanna study together?" I offer him.

" Oh sure that'd be a huge help. Thanks." He says. He still seems anxious about something but I cant tell what.

*Lunch Time*

  *Midoriyas POV*

  I don't plan on eating today. This pain in my chest is almost unbearable. I can feel the anxiety all the way up to my throat and I don't know why. Why can't I live normally?

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