Two Sides

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*Todorokis POV*

Bakugo was questioned first and then sent back to class. Aizawa sensei, Principal Nedzu, Shinso, and I are who remain in the teachers loung. Me and Shinso are seated on opposites sides of the big green couch. The two teachers have pulled up two wooden chairs on the other side of the table.

" Would anyone like some herbal tea before we begin?" Principal Nedzu says.

" Sure." Aizawa and I say in unison.

" No thank you, sir." Shinso says softly.

He pours me and Aizawa a cup of steaming hot tea before proceeding to speak.

" Would anyone like to go first?" Nedzu asks.

Everyone looks to eachother before Aizawa speaks up.

" I guess I will." He starts. " I was walking back towards my class room when I heard a lot of yelling. I assumed it was Bakugo before I saw ice be shot into the air. When I went to investigate I saw Todoroki being held back by Bakugo and Shinso standing in front of them. That is all I know."

" Very well then." Nedzu says while clapping his hands together. " Todoroki, Shinso, your turn to speak."

" I'll go then." Shinso volunteers. " I know that  not a lot of people in class 1A are not very found of me and that's okay. I was just looking to befriend Midoriya. I know that you think I've done some awful things but please let me explain."

" Be his friend?" I interrupt with adrenaline rushing through my veins. " Alright then, if you cared about him so much why did you leave him alone that night?"

" I'm sorry to interrupt but what exactly are you referring to Todoroki?" Aizawa asks.

" I'm getting there." I reply. Shinso shifts awkwardly in his seat at my question.

" Admit what you did." I say violently. He jumps in his seat and pulls at his collar.

" Please you need to understand-" Shinso starts but I'm not having it.

" Tell him what you did to Izuku."

Both Principle Nedzu and Mr. Aizawa jolt their heads to face Shinso. Shinsous cheeks turn bright red and he lowers them so no one else can see.


" Tell them how you, the person who wants so badly to be the hero and not the villain he was destine to be, raped his one and only friend."

Aizawa and principal Nedzu have a look of pure shock. No ones mouth moves. The only sound to be heard is from the footsteps of the other students heading to their class.

" Shinso, this isn't true is it? I've trained with you enough to know this isn't something you're not even remotely capable of something so sinister and disgusting."

" Please, it wasn't my fault. I tried to stop him he I really did. I didn't want any of this to happen. Izuku is my friend and I know what happened has hurt him in ways I could never imagine." Shinso sobs the words out of him.

" Just get to the fucking point." I snap.

" Enough Todoroki, let him speak." Aizawa comes to his defense.

" I wasn't he one who raped him is what I'm trying to say."

A sigh comes out of him.

" Here's what really happened okay.."

As Shinso begins to tell the other side to the story my anger still continues to grow. Not just towards Rin, but for Shinso just letting it all happen.

" When introduces Midoriya to Rin I thought he wasn't into that kind of stuff anymore. He said he changed and that he was different now. I really did try to protect Midoriya believe me, I was just too weak. And I hate myself for it."

How could he possibly try and play victim here? He abandoned Izuku when he needed him most. That's no hero let alone a friend in my eyes.

" Thank you Shinso for telling your side. I know this must've been hard for you but you did the right thing." Principal Nedzu says.

I cant contain my anger and I jump while slamming my fist onto the coffee table. Spilling my tea onto the cold hard tiles. " Are you serious right now? He's just as guilty as that other bastard. He let him just walk right in and do whatever the fuck he wanted to Izuku." My throat is beginning to sting from all the yelling i've been doing. How does Bakugo do this 24/7?

" Hush Todoroki. We never said Shinso is off the hook still. While he's not the criminal here he still should've said something to anyone about what his friend was doing. Staying quiet is just as bad a crime." Aizawa says.

I sit back down while catching a quick glance at Aizawas face. It's like a mixture of disappointment and sadness. Like he was told he was getting a new cat only for it to have somehow died.

" I think it's time we send Shouto back to his class now. We will handle the rest of this situation and keep you updated the best we can. I cant promise we can tell you all the details but I can promise this won't go unpunished." Principal Nedzu says.

I'm defeated. I don't know what to do or say. All of this is just so unreal. How could I let Izuku suffer in silence for so long? How could someone be so sick to let this happen?

Aizawa writes me a pass and sends me on my way back towards the main classrooms. The walk back was quiet so I plugged in my earbuds to drown out the screaming inside my head.


i'm back! ik i disappeared off the face of the earth my summers been shit and jdjsowow but i'm alive and i'm ready to finish this story!

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