Rescue Team!

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*Todorokis POV*

"Why the hell are you doing this?"

Toga and Dabi have been visiting me frequently since I've got here. I don't know how long it's been or what time of day it is. My room is cold and the walls are cracked from old age. There's moss growing in some places as well as puddles of water that fall when it rains.

" We've told you before peaches, that information is classified." Toga says and pinches my cheeks like she's my grandmother.

I'm chained up to a chair in the middle of this ginormous room. My quirk is still useless as ever. Something about the walls being quirk proof I suppose.

" Oh, how I'd love to skin your face off you and add it to my collection." She teases and runs a bloody knife under my throat. " Oh, the temptation is so hard to avoid, maybe just one little-"

"That's enough Toga." Dabi interrupts. He's been standing off in a corner with his arms folded. His blue eyes piercing into my own. He doesn't take his eyes off me as he walks towards where I'm chained. He takes out a key and unlocks the chains letting my arms and legs fall freely.

" Since you're here and I have to look after your spoiled ass might as well get some questions answered."

I look at him with a perplexed face. What could he possibly want to know?

" That scar of yours, where'd you get it from?"

I'm taken aback by his question. Out of all the things I thought he'd ask, this was a shock.

" Why does it concern you?" I watch him shift his body weight as I can tell him asking this makes him uncomfortable. His next question is as shocking as the first

" Did Endeavor give it to you?"

What the hell is going on here? Why would he be asking these types of questions? Is there some type of motive he's getting at? The most confusing part about this is he looks almost, sad.

" No, it was my mother actually."

Now it's his turn to be shocked. His eyebrows go up and his eyes widen at my response. He takes a moment to process this information before proceeding with his interrogation. He opens his mouth the speak but I interrupt him before and sound can come out of his mouth.

" Why are you asking me these questions? What could you possibly need to know this information for?"

He takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Shoto Todoroki, I'm Toya. Toya Todoroki."

I look up at him, trying to process what he had just said.

"W-what?" I stammer.

" I left years ago before you were ever created. Endeavor wanted me to be the best, to be stronger then All Might so I could surpass him. But I couldn't do it. No matter how hard I tried to please him it just was never enough. I trained and trained every day. Even when I was tired and hadn't eaten I still went out and tried to strengthen my quirk. I just wanted to make him happy. It caused quite a strain on my body hence my scars and stitches. One day my training went too far and I got injured pretty badly. That was the day Endeavour rendered me useless. And eventually, I left his shit hole."

Dabis face remained emotionless as he shared his past with my, no, our father. He was Toya. The brother I never met. The brother who my father tried so hard to make sure I never became. This is him, just as beaten down and broken on the outside as he is on the inside.

"And so you joined the Villains?" The answer is pretty obvious but I want to hear it from him. I want to hear that my father was so vicious in when it came to his own children that it lead someone to pure evil.

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