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*Midoriyas POV*

Shoto told me to come to his dorm after I showered. I'm really dreading what he has to say to me. My chest is riddled with worry as I stand in front of his door.

Knock. Knock.

" It's open."

I enter the room and I am immediately hit by the scent of ginger. I look to my left where he has a chocolate brown couch set up along with a coffee table. There's a kettle and two teacups sitting on a plate at the table.

" I made tea." He states with a blank expression on.

I take a seat on the couch and notice how the cushion lets me sink comfortably into the seat. The tea cups are decorated with light blue swirls at the top and bottom. The kettle itself has a cat zentangled on the front.

Shoto walks over and carefully pours the hot liquid. He then takes out some honey from a jar and spoons some into both our cups.

" Thank you." I say.

He takes a seat to the left of me and takes a sip from his tea. His right hands wrapped around the handle and his left hands four fingers hold onto the cup.

I catch myself staring and turn away. I take a sip of my tea as well, letting the hot liquid run down my esophagus.

He sets his cup down before taking in a deep breathe.

" I wish I could be of more use to you Izuku." He begins. " Everyday I can see that you're in pain, but I don't know what to do or say that will make you okay. I'm sorry."

I watch as he wipes away the large tears forming in his eyes. I look down to my shoes looking to formulate any words. Nothing. I'm speechless.

I didn't realize how much I was hurting him. I don't want to be the reason for his suffering. How do I make this right?

"I love you Izuku. And I don't want you to hurt yourself like this." He says biting back a whimper.

Now it's my turn to cry. Letting the tears fall softly onto my lap. Guilt forms and boils over inside of me.

I reach over to Shotos and place a hand on his soft pale skin. I lean in and let my lips press against his. I can taste his salty tears as the continued to flow down his face.

" I love you Shoto. And I'm sorry that I've been hurting you. I promise I'll be better okay?"

His blue and brown eyes gaze into mine. The look of sadness is replaced with that of joy. He says nothing to me but instead goes in for another kiss.

He places his hand on my hip and the other into my green curls. We stay like this for a little while longer. Neither of us wanting this one moment to end.

" Promise you'll tell me everything. And I really mean it. Whatever happens, I want to be the first to know." He says his hands now on his lap.

" I promise."

I spent the night at Shotos dorm. We talked about nonsense for hours while munching on cookies. Being with him always makes me so happy even if it's short-lived.

He makes me feel protected, like nothing in the world will hurt me as long as he's here.

We walked into our homeroom together holding hands the class instantly knew what's up.

" Oh look, that love birds have arrived." Mina teased.

Mineta scowled at the scene and stared out the window.

" That will be $5 Sero. Pay up I want hard cash." Kamanari said holding his hand out.

Sero groaned and reached into his pocket to pull out some money.

" Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Seros parents are out of town this weekend so we're throwing a huge party and everyone at U.A. can come! You and Todoroki should definitely come." Kamanari boost and I'm definitely on board with the idea. I've never gone to parties before so this should be fun.

" I will be there to ensure everyone's safety and that no one sneaks any alcohol. We are students after all and hero's in training. " Iida cuts in waving his arms up and down.

" Sounds fun! Me and Shoto will definitely show up, right?" I say and turn to face him. He hasn't said a word since we've got here. I know parties aren't his thing but maybe it's time for him to get out of his comfort zone a bit.

" I'll see." He says.

" Well, whenever you make up your mind just remember it's on Saturday at 8 pm." Kamanari says and class begins.

The rest of our classes were filled with the usual. Test and notes filled up our day until lunch finally approached. All everyone could talk about was the party.

" I'm not to a party two idiots planned!" I hear Bakugo yell from his table.

" Awe come on it'll be fun." Kirishima says and nuzzles his face onto Bakugos shoulder.

" What did I tell you about getting all touchy in public shitty hair." But Bakugo doesn't push Kirishima off. He instead looks away with an annoyed yet flustered face.

" So have all of you decided whether or not you're going?" Uraraka asks.

" I think all of us girls should go dress shopping!" Yaoyorozu chirps in.

" I think that would be such a fun idea!" I turn to see Hagarakures uniform floating next Asui and Tokoyami.

" I've never really been to any parties before so I think this would be a fun experience." I say. " Have you made up your mind Shoto?"

I turn to see Shoto so entranced by his soba to even notice anyone around him.

"Hm?" He muffles with a mouth full of noodles.

" I think a party is fine as long as there are boundaries." Iida starts. " We should all be able to just be regular fifteen-year-olds every once in a while."

Hearing this from Iida isn't pretty out of character, but he's right. Even while we're training to become pros we should still make time to just be kids.

" I'll go, but only because Izuku is going." He finally says and I feel a tinge of happiness flood my body.

" What's this about a party I hear." Comes a voice from behind.

We all turn to see Shinso standing behind me. He's so quiet almost no one noticed him before.

" Oh uhm well some students from our class are throwing a party. Everyone's invited if you're interested. It's on Saturday at 8 pm. " I stammer.

" Sounds great. I'll see you there Midoriya." Shinso says and plays with my hair before walking away with a grin.

" He's... friendly." Uraraka says but I can see the discomfort in her eyes. I can't blame her considering he gives me just as bad a feeling like everyone else. But it's probably just my paranoia.


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