Save Me, Please

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*Bakugos POV*

First thing in the morning I head down to Dekus house. I ring the doorbell a couple of times until his mother comes to open it. She's a complete wreck. There are ginormous bags under her eyes along with her face being puffy.

" Come in." She leads my inside and gestures for me to sit in the living room. " Would you like for me to make you some tea?"

" No, I'm fine."

The house smells like cinnamon rolls and there's a picture of Deku and his mother on the table in front of me.

" Izuku still hasn't come home. I called the police and they said they'll notify me if they find anything." She makes a soft sniff and uses a tissue to wipe her eyes.

" I'm sorry." Is the only thing I can say to her. I'm not good in these types of situations so I have no clue how to comfort her.

" I know he'll be okay. He's stronger then I give him credit for. Whatever happens he'll make it through, trust me."

Did I really just say that?

" You really have grown, haven't you?"

I don't make eye contact as I don't want her to see my flustered face at her compliment. I've never acknowledged Midoriya like this in front of anyone. What the hell has gotten into me?

" Well, Thank you Katsuki for stopping by. I'll be okay. Like you said, he's stronger then we think."

She walks me out into the gloomy sky. It looks like it'll rain soon. The clouds are a pale grey, they're ginormous size shows them ready to burst. I feel a buzz in the back of my pocket and check to see who it was.


Kirishima: howd it go with Midoriyas mom?

Bakugo: it was fine. i can tell she's worried, hell even i can't help but wonder where the fuckers might be.

Kirishima: how sweet :)

Bakugo: fuck off 🖕🏼

Kirishima: let's meet at the beach and see if we can come up with a plan

Bakugo: for??

Kirishima: to get Midoriya and Todoroki back duh

Bakugo: y should we intervene?

Kirishima: i cant just sit around and wait for something to happen. we have a chance to save them so let's use it.

Bakugo: whatever, i'll be there soon


Is this really the best idea?

*Toshinoris POV*

"Midoriya and Todoroki have gone missing?"

It's Sunday evening and I came into work to finish up grading papers. Endeavor bursted in through the doors hysterical.

" Yes. Shoto never came home and I was informed that another one one your students hadn't arrived home either."

I take a moment to process the information I have received. This is most likely the work of some type of villain. And if that's the case then we mustn't waste time.

" Do you have any idea where they could've gone? Even just a hunch?"

" Yes, I knew Shoto had mentioned something about going to the mall Saturday. I went and ordered that I be shown the security footage. There I saw that green haired kid talking to some man in a black hoodie. Shoto then followed them into a hallway with no cameras."

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