Friendly Dark

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~The monsters under my bed won't seem to leave me alone. They sleep inside of my head, Deceive to leave but they won't.~

*Midoriyas POV*

Things have been... weird ever since that night with Todoroki. I can't bring myself to talk to him and when I do I'm a stuttering mess. I can't read what he's thinking either which makes me even more uncomfortable.

Today I've decided to spend my lunch period alone on the roof to give myself time to think. It's cooler up here than down below which is nice since the weathers been warm. If I didn't have all these cuts on my body I wouldn't be overheating in my winter uniform.

I lay down onto the hard concrete floor and look up at the sky. The sky is clear except for a few scattered clouds here and there. The roof is peaceful compared to the crowded hallways of U.A.

A tired looking face appears in front of me and I jolt up front the ground. Our foreheads collide with one another and he shouts in pain.

" Oh my god Shinso, I'm so sorry! You just  startled me... are you okay?"

" Yeah don't worry it was my fault." He says and lets out a small chuckle. " Why are you all alone up here?" He asks and sits down next to me.

" Oh I uh just wanted to clear my head is all."

His purple locks dance with the cool breeze that's passing by. I notice he's staring at me and he looks away blushing. He wears the same tired face he always does but his amethyst eyes are filled with life.

" So, why'd you come up here?" I asked breaking the awkward silence.

" I'm not much of a people person. So I like to come up here whenever I can to get a break from it all, you know."

" Yeah, I do actually."

This is nice. Shinso seems like a really nice guy.  I'm glad he seems to be able to open up to me at least. It's nice to make a friend outside of my regular group.

" How would you feel if I kissed you right now?"

I freeze up at the question. Why would he just outwardly ask me this? Who just goes out and asks someone this?

" U-uhm I'm sorry, what?" I stammer, still in a state of confusion.

" Oh, I'm just messing with you." He says and ruffles my hair.

The air is thick with awkwardness now, but it seems only I have noticed. His question made every hair on my body stick up and my mind is telling me to get away.

He begins to wrap his arm around me but is stopped by a loud voice from behind us. He retracts his hand almost instantly and stands up to face the angry blonde. I've never been happier to see Kacchan.

" What the hell a going on here?" He asks.

" Oh, Midoriya and I were just hanging out." Shinso replies.

Bakugo takes a few glances back and forth between us. I can tell he's a bit confused but nevertheless, he takes the bait.

"Well, round face has been looking for you. You better come back since I came all this way to find you." He says while glaring at Shinso. Did he see?

" Oh, okay. Bye Shinso." I say and hurry behind   Bakugo.

We walk in silence as we walk down the narrow staircase before Bakugo breaks the ice.

" You should stay away from that purple creep. I don't know what you guys were doing, but I don't have a good feeling about him."

Bakugos always been keen on reading other people. It's almost like his second quirk. And he's not afraid to speak his mind either.

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