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*rape, angst, self harm mention*

*Urarakas POV*

"Hey, has anyone seen Deku or Todoroki?" It's 3ish and everyone has met back up in front of the water fountain.

" Not since we first came here no." Kirishimas holding a black bag with the words " Hot Topic" on the front. Bakugo has a matching bag as well as Jirou.

" Stupid nerds probably making out with that half n half bastard."

" Awe c'mon bakubro they aren't even dating." Kirishima hits Bakugo over the head playfully.

"Here I'll text Deku and see if he's okay." I pull out my pink flip phone and search for Midoriyas contact.


Uraraka: Hey deku wya??
I wait 2 mins but there's still no response. I feel my chest begin to tighten with worry. It's not like him to not answer his phone. And he wouldn't let it die either.

"Maybe you should try calling him." Asui suggest. I shouldn't have left him alone. I call his number but it just goes to voicemail. Dammit. I try Todorokis cell next but no luck either.

" Quit worrying about him like he's 5. If he was in trouble he would've called us or something. If no one gets a word from him around 4ish then we can call for help."

Bakugos words are harsh but true. If he was in danger then he'd be able to handle himself, right?

" You live near Deku right Bakugo?" He makes an annoyed face at my question but responds with a yes.

" Can you please drop by his house later and see if he's okay."

" Why would I help you-" Bakugos interrupted by Kirishima.

" Of course he will. That's the kind of thing any hero would do right Bakubro?"

"Sure." He mumbles and sets off home.


*Midoriyas POV*

My arms and legs are chained against the cement wall. My clothes have been stripped from me and the cold air surrounding me doesn't help at all.

Todoroki was taken from me. I don't know where he is or what they're doing to him, but I have to get out of here and save him. I don't know what I'd do if he was hurt because of me.

" If you agree to obey me, I'll unchain you." I nod in defeat. It wasn't much of a question, to begin with.

He unlocks the chains and my arm can finally breathe. Some of my cuts have been reopened and I feel the warm blood trickle down my arm.

Shigaraki forcefully pushes me onto the wall and whispers into my ear " Un-dress me."

His words send goosebumps all over my body but I comply and begin unzipping his pants. As I lower his pants his erect penis begins to poke out. My stomach is swirling with anxiety and self-hatred. Tears begin forming as I can't contain the many emotions going through my mind.

"Now suck me dry you damn brat!" He pushes my head down to his dick but I struggle to get away.

" Please, I don't want to." I cry.

"I'll kill Todoroki if you don't comply. It's your choice."

I have no way out. I put his penis into my mouth and begin to suck. I feel his penis go deeper into my throat and I hate it. He's pulling on my hair forcing me to go faster and I obey his every command.

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