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*Midoriyas POV*

Before entering the classroom, I feel a wave of anxiety hit me. It hasn't been too long since I've been gone. After I was discharged from the hospital they let me take a week off from school to rest. Healing all my broken bones took a lot of energy out of me. Things have been hell though. Constant night terrors and panic attacks that have resulted in me lying awake all night. I haven't seen Todoroki either so I hope he's here today.

I stuff my hands into my pocket, take a deep breath, and step into the classroom. Uraraka's the first one to notice my arrival. She quickly stops mid-conversation and runs over towards me. She jumps up and gives me a hug and I only squirm with un-comfort from the physical contact.

" We're glad you're back Midoriya." Exclaims Iida.

" Yeah, the class was pretty depressing without you and Todoroki here." Kamanari says from his desk. Bakugo and Kirishima are with him as well. Kirishima gives me a friendly wave and I wave back. Bakugo looks over not long before quickly looking away.

" Hey, I just wanted to thank you guys again for saving me." I say to Bakugo and Kirishima.

" Oh, it was nothing really there's no need to thank us." Kirishima replies.

" I don't need your thanks, nerd. I just did what I had to do."

Bakugos response was...well... unexpected. I take a moment before uttering a single "thank you." And head towards my desk. Todoroki enters soon after with his hands in his pocket.  I can't contain the sudden happiness I feel.

" Todoroki!" I beam and rush towards him. " I'm so glad you're okay I wish I could've visited you in the hospital but you were gone before I could see you and then I was busy with being questioned and...."

Todoroki just smiles at my ongoing rambling. I realize what I'm doing and try to cover my reddened face from him.

" I'm happy you're okay too." He says to me. He removes his hands from his pocket and what I see shocks me.

" Todoroki...." I say but he quickly puts his hand back in his pocket before reassuring me that it's nothing.

" It's just a finger I'll be okay. I'm sure you went through far worse than me." He says and walks away before I can say anything else.

When class finally begins I realize my lack of sleep is beginning to kick in. It's hard for me to focus on whatever Aizawa is rambling about.

" Midoriya!" He snaps at me and I jolt up in my seat. " You of all people should have full attention right now. You have a lot of catching up to do."

" Sorry sensei."

" As I was saying. We will be having a meeting very soon in the courtyard. I need everyone to line up and exit quickly. Iida, please lead the way."

" Everyone line up in an orderly fashion." Iida says and leads the way down and out into the courtyard. Class 1B is already there and we line up next to them.

" Well well if it isn't the famous class 1A children." Mocks an annoying blonde haired boy. " It must suck always being cast as the victims isn't it?" He says with a burst of maniacal laughter.

" Shut up Monoma." An orange haired girl says and hits him over the head rendering him unconscious.

" Thanks, Kendo." I say to her. She smiles and waves before shifting her attention to the front.

" Man that guy really is annoying." Yaoyaroza says from behind me.

It seems that everyone else has arrived so the meeting should start soon. I see a tiny albino mouse walk up onto the stage. He's dressed ever so dapper with his black vest and red tie.

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