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*Todorokis POV*

"Where the hell have you been?"

I feel instant panic as soon as I hear his voice. I don't even have time to take off my shoes before I feel his hand slap the right side of my face. I fall to the ground and hit my head on the door.


"Get the hell up. I didn't even hit you that hard."

I do as I'm told to ease his anger.

" I'm not going to ask you again, where the hell were you last night?"

I can't begin to describe the deranged look he has on. His eyes are bloodshot with rage as his face forms all types of creases along his eyebrows and forehead. His greenish-blue eyes are staring into mine, threatening that if I say the wrong thing he'll make me pay.

" I was at a friends. I should've called I'm sor-"

"What friend?"

I pause.


"I was with Midoriya."

His face twisted in all sorts of directions as his fire grew bigger. Without warning, he picks me up and pushes me against the wall. There's no point in struggling as it'll only dig me a deeper hole.

" Listen up because I will not repeat myself. If I ever see you hanging around that kid. I'll beat you to a pulp. He is your rival, not your friend."

Chills ascend through my whole body and I feel my heart shatter but I show nothing.

"Yes, sir."

He let's go and I fall to the ground with a loud thud. I walk to my room and shut the door behind me. He let me off easy tonight but I won't be lucky the next time. I throw myself onto the bed and let the events of last night play out. I'd never seen Midoriya so scared before. I wish I could be more helpful to him.

The memories of us cuddling on the couch flash into my mind and I feel my face begin to heat up. The way his freckles lit up with his red cheeks, How small and helpless he looked curled up next to me.

His mom had come home around 7:00 am and made us some pancakes. It's almost scary how much the two look alike. Same green hair and eyes. The way their freckles line up around their noses and under their eyes. He's lucky to have such a caring mother.

I have to protect him.

" How bad did he get you?" I look up and see Fuyumi standing by the doorway. Her white and red hair tied up into a messy bun.

" I'm fine maybe just a couple of bruises."

" I tried to calm him down before you got back but he just wouldn't listen. You shouldn't have left without telling anyone."

God, sometimes I wish she'd stop lecturing me as if she was my mom. Even when mom was around she'd always make sure I knew she was the boss. And now that moms stuck in some dumb mental institution she's gone full parent mode.

" Yeah, I know that now okay. I said I'm sorry so if you have nothing else to say then you can leave." My words are blunt and I'm hoping she'll take the hint that him not in the mood.

"Okay, get some rest. You look like you could use it."

"Thanks for the advice."

I lay back down onto my bed and try to let myself drift off to sleep.

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