Last Kiss

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So many TW

|no proof reading just words|

*Todorokis POV*

"This was so pointless. Why did I think they could help me?" Izukus pacing and rambling around my dorm, "You should've seen her face Shoto. I could
feel her judging me from the moment I walked in."

As soon as class had ended, I brought Izuku up to my room so he wouldn't be alone. I knew that having to speak to the counselor would upset him.

" Just give it some time for the adults to understand I know they'll come around." I try to reassure him.

"What's the point? What's the point in any of this? It's not going to change what happened or how I feel. I'm broken and there's nothing anyone can do to change that."

I grab Izukus wrist and pull him towards my chest. He quickly submits into my arms and rests his face into my shirt.

"Don't say things like that Izuku," I lift his head up so that his emerald eyes would meet mine. "You're not broken. Yes the things you went through were horrific but you have a chance to move past it all. You just need to give it a chance."

He pushes himself off me and lays down onto my mattress. His back is facing me so the only face I can see is the green rabbits on his hood

"It will never be over. I can't stop seeing things. I can never tell what insignificant thing will set me off. I'm a bomb that's just waiting to explode at any given moment. And I'm going to take you and everyone else down with me."


"That's why we need to go our separate ways."

I pause as I try to digest what he's just thrown at me.

"What?" He pulls himself up to face me and I can see the tears he was hiding from me.

"I'm not safe for you to be around . I'm like poison, and everything I touch turns to shit."

"Wait Izuku please-"

"I love you Shoto, please don't think otherwise." Izuku leans in and squeezes me a hug.

"Izuku please don't do anything that will hurt you. I want to help you please stop pushing me away."

He then leans in and gives the softest, yet saddest kiss Ive ever received. I felt a rush of adrenaline and power flow through my veins.

"Of course not Shoto. I just need some time to myself."

I shouldn't have let him leave.


7:00 pm
Phone call

Izuku- Help.

Shoto- Izuku what's happening? Are you okay??

Izuku- Hurry please . Hurts so bad please hurry.


I rush over to Izukus room and try to open the door but it's locked.

"Izuku open the door I'm outside."

No answer.

I bang louder on the door but there's still no response. Fuck.

"What's going on Todoroki-Kun?" Aoyoma appears from his doorway.

"Aoyoma I need you to do me a favor. Can you get me into Izukus room through the back windows." He nods and motions for me to follow. We climb over the railings and get onto Izukus balcony. I peer inside, but It was worse then I thought. There's blood and pills everywhere and I can see Izuku slouched against the side of his bed.

"Oh my gosh!" Aoyoma squeals in terror once he realizes what's going on.

"I can get inside. Please go get recovery girl."

I use my Ice to break the glass and rush inside. I carelessly step on shards of glass but I ignore the pain for now.


His breathing is slow and his voice is barley whisper. I pull off the shirt I had on and wrap it around his left arm. The cut has blood pooling out from it and just spilling all over the floor. My shirt quickly changes from white to crimson.

There are red,blue, and pink pills scattered around the room. He must've ran sacked the medicine cabinet as well as taken all his prescriptions.

"Hey, hey It's okay see I made it you'll be fine Izuku just stay with me okay." My voice breaks with every word I try to say. His lips have changed to a bluish purple hue. He's lost too much blood and I don't know how long I can keep him awake.

"Can you tell me what you took Izuku? I need to know what you took."

He's too out of it to comprehend what I'm saying. His eyelids dance up and down as I try to keep a conversation flowing. I listen to the slow rhythm of his pulse. His face is no longer glowing with life.

"Please Izuku, just hang on a little longer."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Im sorry." He cries and all I can do is offer him the warmth of my quirk.

I run my fingers through his messy curls as try to untangle all the knots. He doesn't even flinch when I pull out a knot.

"I'm so sorry Izuku," his body goes limp in my arms, "I should've done more for you."


He was in the ICU for about two days before his body gave up for the last time. He had to be revived three times, twice in the same night. Everyone did their best to help him wake up. I don't think I've seen Recovery girl push herself as hard as she did.

I wasn't prepared. No one was. I thought he would make it. How could I let this happen?

The shock still hasn't worn off. I haven't felt anything since that night. It's like someone hit the off switch on my emotions. I should be sobbing and begging God for my boyfriend back, but I can't.

Maybe it's because I let this happen? I keep replaying over and over what I could've done differently.

I should've stopped him from leaving. I should've gotten there quicker. Why did I ask so many questions instead of doing more to keep him alive? Why did I let him walk away?

I should've told him I loved him more.

"If you ever need to talk my door is always open." The psychologist says handing me a slip of paper with her office number.

"You can't help me. You couldn't even help him. You can't help anyone at this school."


//where did all the time go?\\

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