Im here

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*blood, anxiety, feelings warning*

this is a fluffy chapter too don't worry :)

*Todorokis POV*

" I didn't really think this through." I say to myself. The rain is incredibly hard and the wind is so strong I feel like I'll be blown away if i'm not careful. I've only been too Midoriyas house once when he was sick and needed me to bring his notes. He can't be too far from my house though. I needed a distraction from my dad anyway because he's losing his mind ever since he became the #1 hero. It's something he always wanted yet now that he has it he's angrier then ever. It's better me then anyone else though.

*Midoriyas POV*

I hear a knock on the door from my bed and head out slowly to open it. What if it's a villain? With that thought I pause and decide to text Todoroki and see if it's safe to open the door.


Midoriya: Hey you outside?

Todoroki: yeah it's me

  I open the door and see the red and white haired boy standing outside with his soaking wet white poncho. He has a warm smile that sends butterflies to my stomach. He's so hot, is all I can think to myself. I motion for him to come in and he follows. He removes his poncho from his body and I see that he's wearing a black tank top even though the rain is freezing. I once again notice the way his biceps move as he sets his poncho on the coat hanger. He removes his shoes which are just some black high top vans and I tell him to follow me to the living room.

I motion for him to sit where I believe the sofa to be. He plops himself onto it but then his eyes catch something in front of him.

" What happened to your tv?" He asks me and I look over to see it leaning against the wall. It has a hole from i'm assuming where I had punched it mid panic attack.

" Oh I must've knocked it over when the lights went out." Shitty lie I realize after saying it but he buys it anyway and doesn't ask anymore. Three ginormous flashes of lightning illuminate the room and I fall to the floor while covering my ears to protect myself from the loud rumble the skies about to make. I feel Todoroki grab onto my arms. The feeling of being touched only makes me more anxious as I get a small glimpse of Shigaraki in my mind. My body starts shaking on que but the memory quickly fades away as Todoroki begins to speak.

" Hey it's okay see i'm here now. Nothing bad will happen. I'm here to protect you." His voice is soft and helps to lessen the shaking. I suddenly feel nauseous and start sprinting towards the bathroom. I locate the toilet and begin throwing up. My throat burns and I catch a glimpse of the toilet and see a pool of blood instead of bile. I scream and flush the toilet. I see dark red blood dripping on my hands to the floor. I go to turn on the sink and more blood comes pouring out. What the hell is happening?

" Midoriya what's wrong?" Todoroki runs in.

" There's so much blood."

"Where? Did you get hurt?"

"The walls, the sink, the toilet. Make it stop. I cant take this." I cry out "Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop." I repeat to myself as images keep playing in my mind. I'm hyperventilating like crazy, my face feels numb and my hands are tingling as I struggle to breathe. This is probably the worst attack i've had and I just want it to stop.

" Hey Midoriya listen to me. This will pass okay. You'll be okay everything is fine you hear?" He says in a calm tone but the voice in my head is too loud to comprehend what he's saying.

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