Sunday, April 20th

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*Todorokis POV*

Izuku seems to be doing better lately. He seems more lively these past couples of days. I can't seem to make out what flipped the switch, but I can't say I'm unhappy about it.

As a gift, he gave me some of his old All Might figurines and posters. The bright smile he had in his face when he handed them to me made it impossible to refuse. The rest he saved for Bakugo since he knows how much Bakugo loves All Might event though he won't admit it.

I hung the posters up on my dorm wall near my bed and over my desk. It doesn't quite fit my Traditional Japanese style dorm, but it'll do for now.

I can't really take them home since my father would have a fit seeing them. He always hated my admiration for All Might. But then again, who gives a fuck?

I never quite got an explanation as to why he disappeared all of a sudden at the party. He told me that he had gotten ill and decided to go home early. Just like Shinso had said. But that just doesn't sit right with me.

I ended up leaving early since Izuku was nowhere to be seen. I was kind of hurt that he left with no word, but he probably had a good explanation. It's not like I wanted to be at the party anyway so it was just a sign to go home to my warm covers and twin size mattress.

* Midoriyas POV*

It's Wednesday, meaning I have four more days to get everything prepared. I've been packing my things all week right after training. My room is almost empty with all my posters and figurines gone.

The only things that stand are my closet, dresser, and bed. The rest of the space is filled with leftover items. I plan to let the others decide what to do with them when I'm gone.

There's, however one more box that I need to get rid of. I've been putting it off for a while only because I don't know how to approach this particular person. But it's now or never.

I walk down the hallway towards the elevator. Everyone's probably either in their dorms or hanging out in the living room right now. So it's the perfect opportunity to do this without getting spotted.

I watch as the buttons light up with each floor. 2...3...ding.  The double doors slide open and I stumble out of the elevator. I carefully walk down the hall trying to trip. The box is pretty big so it's hard to see over it due to my short stature.

When I reach the tall wooden door I shift the box so it's balanced on one arm. With my free hand, I quietly knock on the door. I hear the muffled sound of footsteps before the door swings open revealing Bakugo standing in the doorway.

" Fuck you want?" I jump at this question.

"Well, uhm... I brought this box for you." I extend my arms out so that the box is closer to him and I see the perplexed look on his face.

" Get in."

I don't even have time to respond as he tugs the collar of my shirt, dragging me inside.

The door slams behind me and I fall onto the floor. The box is sitting on my crossed legs now and I look up as he snatches it from me.

I watch closely as he cautiously tears open the box. I see his eyes widen at what's inside.

From what I can recall, I put most of my most valuable trading cards, merch, and posters related to All Might into the box. He's the only other person who loves All Might more then I do.

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