The Aftermath

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~I am damaged, far too damaged..~

*Tw: Suicide mention and FEELINGS*

*Todorokis POV*

Izuku is not where I had last seen him. I set out throughout the cramped hallways to find him. Kamanari and Jiro are working the DJ together. I can see them laughing from where I'm standing.

Sero and Mina are drunk dancing on the table tops with some of the other kids who came. Seros long black hair flops up and down as him and Mina try not to fall over.

I spot Bakugo and Kirishima chatting in a corner. The closer I get the more can see how flustered from the alcohol Kirishima is. His shirt is also missing for god knows what reason.

" Heyy Todoroki nice to ssee you!" Kirishima yells from across the room.

" Shut the fuck up shitty hair you're embarrassing me," Bakugo yells back.

I'm hesitant to walk over to the drunk couple but maybe they've seen Izuku.

" You look so great Todoroki, no homo though hehe."

Bakugo hits Kirishima over the head and Kirishima makes a sad pouty face towards him.

" Ouchie!" He whined like a baby.

" I'm guessing none of you have seen Izuku around?" I ask.

" No why should I know where that loser is," Bakugo responds instantly.

" Oh wait I've seen him!" Kirishima yells once more which makes me wince in annoyance.

" Can you tell me where exactly?" I ask desperately. I know asking a drunk person for directions is like asking a toddler but I don't have much of a choice.

" He went with purple dude somewhere." He says tapping his chin with his finger.

" You mean Shinso?" Bakugo asks.

" Yeah, that guy. The one with the bats under his eyes." Kirishima responds drunkily.

" You mean bags idiot." Bakugo grunts. " I told that nerd to stay away from that freak." He mumbles not too quietly.

" Do you know where they were going?" I ask Kirishima once more.

" He's fucking drunk how the hell would he know shit half-n-half." Bakugo snaps and I don't bother to react. His yelling and explosions have never phased me in the slightest.

" Oh, okay. Thanks for your help Kirishima." I say and walk away before Bakugo can say anything else.

Where could that mind control freak be?

I must've not been paying attention because I bump into someone while walking. I look down and see the familiar bubbly brunette standing below me.

" Hey, Todoroki!" She beams with a happy grin. She smells of alcohol as does everyone else in this place does. Her exaggerated movement only accentuates the fact she's had one too many drinks.

" Hey,  have you seen Izuku or Shinso," I ask her but I have a feeling she won't be any more helpful then Kirishima was.

" Huh no not recently. You have a phone why don't you call him? Uraraka asks.

" I tried earlier but there was no answer. I'm guessing he has no service."

" Then why don't you stay and hang out with me and the rest of the girls." She cheers raising the cup in the air and splashing me with some of her drink.

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