Unexpected Outburst

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*Todorokis POV*

"Why did you confront Shinso when I told you to leave it be." Izuku protest angrily.

We're back at the dorms now. Izuku's pacing around the kitchen anxiously and it's giving me a headache.

"Tea?" I ask and offer him his All Might mug.

"No Shoto this is serious. What did you tell them in the office?" He says and folds his arms like a child.

"Izuku I'm sorry okay. I know I fucked up but I couldn't help it okay. I saw him and I just.. exploded." I sound like Bakugo now but who could blame me?

"Did you tell them what happened at the party?"

I pause for a moment to evaluate what would be the best answer to that question.

"Maybe a little."

"I want the whole story."

He's really not going to let this go.

"Okay yes I did. It's no like I had a choice plus maybe it's for the better."

Izuku bangs his head onto the wall and let's put a loud groan.

"What am I supposed to do now?" He mumbles to no one in particular.

"What type of dumbass question is that nerd?"

Izuku and I turn our heads in unison to see Bakugo standing at the doorway. He still has his hero costume on and he smells of burnt sugar.

"This doesn't concern you kacchan so please leave." Izuku pouts.

"I've know you since you were shitting yourself I think I can have a say in this convo. Plus if it wasn't for me mr.e-boy over here would be in some deep shit."

I twitch at his new insult but there's no use arguing with him now.

"Why don't you stop being such a pussy and put that extra in jail."

"You don't know how I feel so don't come in here telling me what I should or should not do."

This new attitude of Izuku's has really taken both me and Bakugo by surprise.

"You don't know shit about me nerd. I'm telling you how it is. So suck it up and listen." Bakugos growing increasingly annoying by the second. But all I can do is sit back and observe.

"When have you ever given me helpful advise. My whole life I've listened to you and never one useful thing has come out of you."

Bakugos gonna lose it now.

"You listen here bastard. I don't know what's your deal here, but I'm going to tell you right now that I'm not going to sit here and let you talk down on me."

Bakugos hands are shaking with pure adrenaline. I can see him trying his best to hold back.

"You're not the only one who's dealt with shit. We all have. But that doesn't give you the right to go ahead and run off and leave everyone else behind. What do you think fucking killing yourself is going to accomplish?"

"How did you-" Izuku starts.

"Bakugo I think you need to leave." I cut in.

They're now face to face with each other with only me as their brick wall. One wrong move and it'll be another full on fight.

"Oh yeah I'm sure you had it real rough. Being top of the class, having an amazing quirk, treating everyone else around you like your puppets. Must've been real rough for you buddy."

Bakugo swings his fist just millimeters from Izukus head. He was too fast for even me to processes. Izuku stood there in shock at what had just happened.

"You don't know shit Deku." Bakugo mumblesquietly. "Tch, Todoroki thinks he had the worst with his shitfaced dad. Imagine having to live with the person who used your body without your consent."

He removes his fist to revel a large dent in the wall. Aizawas not gonna be too happy about that.

"Kacchan.. I didn't know. I'm sorry okay."

"Just forget it okay. Do whatever you want. You want to keep quiet then keep quiet." Bakugo says and exits the room.


*Midoriyas POV*

"Oh god I'm such a shitty person."  I exclaim.

"It's not your fault Izuku. He started it so he had it coming." Shoto says trying to comfort me.

"But I shouldn't have said that. I probably really hurt him or maybe he hates me now."

"Hasn't he always hated you." Shoto asks in a playful tone.

"It's not funny! He was trying to help and I was just a dick to him." I bang my head in the wall once more in frustration. Why do I keep fucking up.

"Well what's worrying about it now going to do. You can apologize to him later." Shoto puts his left hand onto my shoulder. The warmth sleeps through my shirt and onto my skin.

"Maybe.. maybe Kacchan was right. Maybe I should stop running away and actually try to find a resolve." Even though he's always been spewing hurtful things towards me. I can tell Kacchan really did mean what he said.

"I won't force you to do something you're not comfortable with. The choice is yours. I'm just here to support my mess of a boyfriend." He says and lays a small peck onto my lips before he sits back down to finish his tea.


i never know what to title my chapters anymore

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