The Party

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*Midoriyas POV*

It's Saturday night and my body is filled with both anxiety and excitement. This is my first High school party, well it's my first party ever.

I don't plan on wearing anything drastic. I throw on a white shirt with a red collar, some black jeans, and a jean jacket.

My hair is still damp from my shower but it'll be dry by the time I get there. I take one last look at myself in the mirror before heading off.

" Bye, mom!" She pokes her head out from the kitchen and flashes a warm smile.

" My baby boy looks so grown up." She exclaims.

" I'll be back before 12 so you don't need to worry about me." I reassure her.

" Oh, don't worry about me Izuku. Just relax and have some fun. You won't be 15 forever." She says and I walk out of the door.

The sky is filled with thousands of stars twinkling above. The moon is full and illuminates the ground below it. The silhouette of sakura trees dances in the darkness.

My red high tops clank on the sidewalk as I make my way to Seros house. He texted me his address and he shouldn't be too far from mine. I offered to walk with Shoto but he didn't think it'd be a good idea. I would be lying if I said it doesn't bum me out that his dad gets in the way of things. But nevertheless, I'm happy we've come so far in our relationship.

As I approach Seros house I see rows upon rows of cars stretching out all the way to the highway. I knew the party would be big but I didn't think it'd be this big.

I push aside any anxiety that might be creeping it's way up into my mind and head into the house. Seros house is a normal sized home with two windows up top. The house is a tan color on the bottom while the top is a snow white color. The gate guarding his door is already open so I walk straight through the doorway.

I'm immediately greater by Iida who is dressed in a grey button-up that's covered by a dark grey vest. His grey tie is poking through his vest and he has matching grey pants with a black belt to go with it.

"Good evening Midoriya." Iida beams.

" Hello, Iida. Do you know if Shoto has arrived already?"

" Yes, actually he came in not too long ago. Though It'll be hard to find him in this crowd." Iida says.

" Okay, thanks and hope you have a great time!" I say and make my way through the crowd.

There's loud rap music blasting throughout the crowded house. There are people scattered everywhere holding solo cups and food. Colorful lights spin around the room and kids are dancing around all over the place.

" Deku! You're here!" I turn to face Uraraka, Mina, And Yaoyorozu.

Uraraka has a pink dress with a bow on the front. The dress traces down above her knees. He hair is pinned back into a neat bun with two strands of hair framing her face.

Minas dress is a turquoise body con dress, similar to her hero outfit. The color really suits her pink skin so It only makes sense she'd wear it. The back has a bow tied neatly behind her.

Yaoyorozu is in a cherry red dress that cuts off a little below her cleavage. The dress has a bow that ties on the open back of the dress. Her long black hair has been let down and flows down past her shoulders.

"You look great! All of you do." I say and Uraraka gushes with happiness.

" You too." She replies.

" Have any of you guys seen Shoto?" I ask.

" Oh yeah, I think he went towards the snack table over there," Yaoyorozu says and points to where the kitchen is supposed to be.

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