How do I know that Im Alive?

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*Midoryas POV*


A/N at the end
" Thank you for agreeing to come despite the circumstances." Principle Nezu says and motions for me to take a seat. We're not in the usual conference room. Instead I was brought by the school psychologist to a mint green room with a long wooden table and plastic chairs with cushions.

Along with the psychologist is a man wearing a suit and has a clip board on his lap. He has jet black hair that is neatly combed to the side.I try my best not to pay too much attention to his hair. He's got dark circles sitting beneath his eyes just like Aizawa , except he seems a bit more gloomy looking then Aizawa does.

" I know you're missing some of your classes so hopefully we can wrap this up quickly. It all depends on how well you're going to cooperate." Principal Nezu says. " Just to give a quick role call of everyone, the man sitting next to me is Christopher Jenkins. He came to Japan from America when he was 20 and now works with the police. He's here to take notes throughout this meeting."

He flashes me a smile and I wave shyly towards him trying to avoid eye contact.

" The lady beside you is Mei Watanabe. Who you already know as the psychologist for UA."

"Everyone take a seat and we'll begin, shall we?"

I take a seat in the chair closest to the door and the psychologist sits across from me.

" Yesterday there was an incident in the cafeteria involving Shinso and Shoto am I correct?" Nezu states.

I nod my head slowly.

" Well, while talking to the two boys we had gained some very alarming information. In UA we are very strict on making sure that our students on abide by the rules and laws here."

I shift in my seat awkwardly.

" Shoto had brought up that there was a party recently involving a lot of students in our school. Am I correct?"

I nod slowly still avoiding eye contact. My leg is bouncing uncontrollably and I can hear the scraping sounds of the pen gliding along the clipboard.

"Yes." I say in a mere whisper.

" Tell me about this party please."

My chest begins to tighten and it feels as if it's getting harder to breathe. My palms are moist from the sweet that's been secreting from my pores. I just want to run away, but I can't. Not now.

"Well.. uhm.. There was a lot of music and a lot of students from different classes you know. And uhm..." My voice trails off as my mind begins to go blank. Everything around my begins to feel so unreal. As if the only real person in the room is me and everyone else has wrapped into this alien like form. Everyone's voices begin to grow farther away as I continue to slip into this detached like state.

"Water?" I jump as I realize that the psychologist was no longer in her chair.

"Y-yeah." I reach for the bottled water but my hands were still trembling and I couldn't get a good grip. " You can just leave it here thank you." I stammer.

She then walks towards principal Nezu and whispers something into his ear. Her voice is too low to be able to make out what she's saying so I just wait patiently for them to finish.

" Very well then." Nezu says and motions for the man with the clip board to follow him out the door. Once the door shuts the psychologist sits back down across from me. Her face is relaxed and she looks at me with concerned eyes.

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