The Truth

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*Midoriyas Pov*

I wake up in my dorm room at about two thirty. The familiar pictures of All Mights smiling face comfort me as I have this gnawing feeling that something bad is about to happen. I sit up and face the my door before I freeze in place. There's a black figure standing in the doorway. The only thing I can make out of the darkness is jet black spiky hair. It just stands there, staring at me through the darkness. 

I try to talk. I try to scream for help, but silence is the only thing that comes out of my mouth as I open it. It begins slowly walking towards me and all I can do is watch in fear. It reaches the edge of my bed and sits down. I'm shaking profusely as I wait for the inevitable to happen. The figure turns and begins crawling towards me. I can feel as it's weight pushes onto mine. As he violently strips away every ounce of  fabricated armor I had on. I try my hardest to push it off but it's no use. It's strength is what pushes it forward as any ounce of self worth I had left is sucked away with every forceful thrust.

"Midoriya." I hear it say.

" S-stop please." I cry with desperation.

" Midoriya!"

I open my eyes to see the figure is no longer there. I'm no longer in my dorm room either. My confusion leads to panic as my brain tries to wrap around what just happened. My breathing becomes more and more rapid with every second that passes by. I feel a surge of power come over me as green lightning begins to emerge from my sweaty body.

" Midoriya calm down, please."

My mind finally reconnects with my body. I finally get a good grasp on reality as I look up and see Shouto clutching onto my arm frantically trying to calm me down. Satuo and Sero are standing next to Shouto with worried expressions as well. 

" S-shouto.." I whisper before I sob into his chest. " He was going to hurt me again. I couldn't move or defend myself."

" It's okay, it was just a bad dream." He reassures me.

" Please don't let him hurt me anymore. Please promise me that." I say as I look into his crimson red and icy blue eyes. 

" I promise."

*Shinsous POV*

*The Party*

"Where's your friend?" I turn to see Rin with a drunken smirk on his face.

" He's resting." I say.

" Let me visit him." He demands and tries to push me away from the door, but I stand my ground. 

"I won't let you. I'm not as weak as I was when we were younger. I'm not going to stand by as you continue to torment other people." Rin is taken a back by my words. This is the first time I've ever stood up to him.

" I'm not going to say this again, move Shinso." His voice is deeper this time. His red eyes ignited by the anger inside that's beginning to boil. " I see. You're trying to play the good guy now, huh?" He says.

" Please, just stop this already. Don't you see that you're hurting people just to pleasure yourself." I plead.

He's smart and doesn't respond to my question. Instead, with all his might he shoves me onto the floor and makes his way into the bedroom were Midoriya lays.

I still haven't forgiven myself for letting this happen again. I promised myself I'd be better, yet I'm making the same mistakes all over again. I should've done more, I should've went in there and tried to protect him. But no, instead I let Rin push me around like he always does. 

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