All That Exsist Is whats Ahead

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*Todorokis POV*

"I can't believe I made such a fool of myself." I mumble as I walk to my own dorm.

How could I have been so impulsive? I didn't even ask if he was okay with being kissed like that. How shitty of me. Now he'll probably think of me as someone who'll take advantage of him.

When I enter my dorm I head straight to my bed. I collapse into the soft mattress and try to forget the embarrassing ordeal.

I wonder what's wrong though? Was that really someone else's quirk? The only other time Izuku has ever been that scared was during the thunderstorm. If it is someone else's quirk then I have to figure out who.

All of this worrying has made me exhausted. I feel my eyelids get heavy and I drift off into a dreamless sleep.


I wake up around 4ish and I can't seem to fall back to sleep. My mind is still running with worry so I decide to go out for a morning jog.
I throw on a black tracksuit and head out.

The morning air is crisp. It's still dark out which I'm okay with. It's a bit chilly but I won't feel it while I'm running. Running is something I've always loved. When I was younger and needed to get away from my dad and my fucked up house, I'd go out for a run. Didn't matter if it was 12 am or 4 pm.

There's an unwritten rule about running that I live by. Never look behind you. There's nothing for you behind you. All that exists is what's ahead.

" Hey, get out of my way Icy-hot." An annoying hot headed bastard yells from behind me. It's too early to be dealing with this.

I speed up hoping to lose him which only makes him angrier.

" What you think you're better than me? Bring it you half headed freak." He yells which only makes me groan in annoyance.

" I'm not in the mood for your constant yelling right now. So if you would please keep it down that would be great."

He finally catches up to me, and we begin jogging side by side. It eventually turned into a small competition of who could get ahead. Every step further I took, He took two more steps and so forth.

We continued this petty competition until my muscles screamed for us to stop, and my breathing became so uncontrollable. We both collapsed underneath one of the cherry blossom trees.

We laid there, fighting for air for a few minutes before Bakugo laid back up. Sweat beamed from his forehead and his hair was matted with grease as well. I probably look just as bad as he does.

" So, about yesterday." He begins.

lay back up next to him and look at him with a perplexed look.

" Don't play dumb Icy-hot! I'm talking about Deku."

Why is he asking me this? He's probably trying to get more tools to mess with him later. Does he think I'm stupid?

" That's none of your concern. As if I'd tell you anything about Izuku." I reply bitterly.

" I mean it's only natural Id ask considering he was making a huge scene yesterday."

His whole demeanor is throwing me off. He doesn't seem violent or cruel. Just genuinely curious. I still can't trust him though.

" Didn't you used to bully him when he was younger. Why would you of all people care about his well being."

Now that seemed to push a button. I see him clench his fist into a ball as he bites down his anger. He's really trying not to blow.

" Okay, well that was a long time ago. I never said I was worried about the loser. I was just asking for fuck's sake." He spits back in a more Bakugo like tone.

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