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*Midoriyas POV*

The staff at U.A. decided I should take two days off after my "incident." Things haven't been easy still. On Monday, All Might told Aizawa and principle Nedzu about what happened. They called me and my mom down to U.A. so they could try to get more information from me.

The counselor who was there tried to get me to open up, but I just couldn't. That little voice in the back of my head whispering things like "they'll think you're weak" or "you deserved it"
echoed in my mind.

They prescribed me with antidepressants and sent me home to rest. And now I'm alone in my room with nothing to distract me from my mind.

My razor blades and exacto knives were confiscated as well. My door isn't allowed to be closed and my mother's been watching me like a hawk.

I can't blame her though. It's because of me that she refuses to go to work and isn't able to sleep.

This sucks.


*Todorokis POV*

Izuku hasn't been at school these past two days. All Might told me that they gave him some time off to rest. They offered me the same but I declined it. School is my only escape from my father.

When All Might brought me home that night he went ballistic. Keeping a calm composure in front of the scrawny yellow haired man only to then land a clean punch right in my stomach when he left.

He's been ignoring me since then, saying that if I love hanging around All Might so much I might as well train with him. Guess it's not too much of a loss for me.

Aizawa sensei didn't mention much about the whole incident. If anyone asked where Izuku was he'd just blandly tell them he was out sick. No one asked much after that.

Monday afternoon I was called down to the nurses office. I was greeted by a tan lady with a curly afro and chocolate brown eyes. She explained that she was the school psychologist and she wanted to see how I was doing.

I told them about Izukus self harm and his sudden change in behavior before the incident. But there was still one key detail that no one, not even I know.

What exactly drove him over the edge?

I know about his nightmares and his panic attacks. I knew that he was depressed but, I still don't know exactly why.

It's a conversation I'll have to try and start eventually. For now all that matters is that he's okay and alive.

She started asking me some more personal questions. Things about my home life and how I feel about what happened Sunday night. I effortlessly kept a straight face while telling her that I'm okay.

I told her that my home life couldn't be better with my dad being the number one hero. She took the bait and exited the room shortly after jotting down a few more notes.

" Hey half-n-half lets have a chat." Bakugo calls from behind me. I've just finished my afternoon training and was planning on paying a visit to Izuku.

" I'm busy." I respond which only makes him irritated.

" That wasn't a question it was a command." He said with a raspy tone.

"Bye." I say with the back of my hand facing him.

I hear him run up behind me and yank me hard enough that I spun around to face him. His crimson eyes glisten with anger while tiny sparks going off in his hands.

"What the hell is up with Deku?" He asks.

" He's sick. Didn't you hear Aizawa?"

"Bullshit. Now tell me the truth."

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