Sweet Home

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I made the pic uptop^^

*TW in this chapter*
*Bakugos POV*


The wall next to us collapses and reveals All Might powered up and flying into the room. Behind him is Mr.Aizawa, and that dick head Endeavor.

"It's about time " I say to myself.

" Awe fuck why do my plans always go to shit." Shigaraki whines and stomps his foot.

" What the hell are you kids doing here?" Aizawa says and boy is he angry.

" Uh same as you guys I guess." Kirishima replies.

All Might goes into a coughing fit not long after. He quickly reaches into his pockets and pops some type of pill into his mouth. What the hell?

" You kids shouldn't be here. You know how dangerous this is. We told you to stay put!" All Might says but does he really have room to talk? I mean after all he is the sickest one here.

" Damn you fucking heroes! Always getting in the way of everything!"

" Shut the hell up Shigaraki and tell me where my son is at once!" Endeavour yells and Shigaraki almost looks intimidated.

" You can have the damn brat for all I care. I didn't intend to take him in the first place. He just so happen to get in my way so I taught him a lesson or two." He says and removes the hand from his face to show a devilish grin.

" What about Deku? Where is he!" Uraraka exclaims. I turn to her and see an expression I haven't seen from her in a while. She doesn't look scared at all but instead determined. Like when I versed her during the sports festival.

" I told you this wasn't going to work out Tomura." Kurgori says from behind the counter. Toga and Dabi have entered the room as well.

" Hello, Endeavour. Long time no see I supposed. " Dabi says with a sour tone.

Endeavor grunts in response. Not even making eye contact with the villain.

" Oh yay look at all the people I can stab!" Toga sings.

" Now!" Endeavor yells. Aizawa swings his scarf out and captures everyone except Toga. She quickly dodges his scarf and makes a run for it.

" Not on my watch bitch!" I fire an explosion at her and knock her to her feet. All Might then leaps onto her and holds her down.

" Nice try young girl. But I'm afraid you just weren't fast enough." All Might says and lifts her into her feet.

" Kids, I want you all to fall back. Let the pros handle this for christ sake. We don't want anyone getting hurt." Aizawa says.

Bullshit. I did not come this far just to go now! I look to Kirishima and Uraraka and they seem to have the same idea as me.

" Sorry senses but we can't do that. C'mon guys let's go." Kirishima says and dashes out of the

Uraraka and I quickly follow not even looking back. I can hear heavy footsteps following us as well as a light illuminating the dark hallway. I take a quick look behind me and see Endeavour following behind us. Great.

" You damn kids are just getting in the way. If you screw this up I'll make sure you all never become pros you hear." He says.

" Shut the hell up. If you don't like us so bad then you can go back and help the others back there." I shoot back which takes him by surprise.

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