Its my fault, I'm sorry.

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^^^if u haven't heard this song ur missing out!

*possible trigger warnings. proceed with caution*

*Midoriyas POV*

It's early Saturday morning. The weather is a bit cloudy but the temperature isn't too bad. I decide to wear a green hoodie that has rabbit ears attached to the back, blue jeans, along with my red sneakers.

When I get downstairs I notice there's an eerie silence to the house. I go to the kitchen to find a note on the table.

I got called into work early so I won't be here for breakfast. I'll be home around 7 so take care of yourself till then. I love you.

- Inko

Ever since moms started working harder I've been pretty lonely by myself all the time. I'd always wished I had siblings like Todoroki or Asui do to keep me company.

I set the note back down and grab a granola bar. I don't have to be at the mall till 12 and it's only 10 right now. To kill time I turn on my Xbox and play Mario Kart.

*Todorokis POV*

Training was a bitch. I'm sore all over and I still have plans later today. Why does he have to push me so hard? I'll need to shower before then because I smell like sweat mixed with burned rubber, not a good combo.

I get into the bathroom and start running the water. The cold white tiles feel good on my feet. My hair is filled with grease and dirt while my shirts still soaked around the neck and all over the back. I remove the sweaty shirt and accidentally catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

All over my back and some on my stomach are bruises, scars, and burns from the constant beatings I've received over the years. Each one has its own story. Some hurt more than the others. Like the scar I have on my right oblique from when I broke one of my dad's trophies in his office, I wasn't supposed to be in. I was around the age of 10 when that happened. But no scar will ever amount to the one on my face. The constant reminder of my mother and what she had to endure raising me with my father.

I finish getting undressed and enter the shower. I let the warm water help massage my tense muscles and clean off all the dirt on me. I work through my hair trying my best to detangle it and try to make it somewhat decent.

Once I'm fully clothed in a red zip-up hoodie, jeans, and some blue converse, I check the time and realize it's already 11:30. The malls a 25 min train ride so I decided to text Midoriya that I'll be a bit late and to tell the others not to wait for me.

*Midoriyas POV*

Once I got the mall I met up with the others who were already here. Todoroki had texted me that he'll be a bit late so I'll try and stick with Uraraka and the others till he gets here.

" Okay, guys we must stay together so there are no incidents." Not even on weekends does Iida take a day off.

" Relax robot boy were in a crowded area we'll be fine."  Bakugo came along which is honestly surprising. But it's safe to assume he only came because Kirishima is here.

" C'mon Kirishima these guys will only slow me down." He pulls Kirishima into the elevator and they're gone. Kamanari doesn't bother to go after them but instead sticks with Mina and Sero.

The others form small groups of their own and head off while I end up alone, again. The mall isn't too crowded today despite it being a Saturday. The smell of fresh pretzels makes me hungry but I want to wait till Todoroki arrives to see if he'd want one.

I check my phone to see the time but as I do so I feel someone wrap their arm around me. I feel myself tense up and try to remain calm. I'm clutching at my phone as I feel their weights pushing onto my shoulders

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