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"Mom, did you know there's an all-boys boarding school just a little ways away?"

Nick knew she'd get happy at the words all-boys. He just had to escape his old school, and this was how.

"There is?" Sure enough, she looked pleased.

"Yeah. I'd stop getting into fights if I went there, I know it kinda worries you."

There was only one problem with his plan.

"But... Nick, have you ever felt like you might be a girl?"

"I... I mean, no? I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."

"You know we'd support you if you were, right?"

"Mom wouldn't."

"Well, screw her."

"I guess I've never even considered it because mom wouldn't be okay with it. I'd rather not be disowned."

"Nick, if she reacted in any bad way, we'd all jump ship to dad's house full-time."

"What's it called?" his mother asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, um, Dalton Academy."

"Oh, I have a friend who's son goes there. It sounds like a really good school."

Nick was feeling relieved. She seemed to like the idea, and anything that would constantly remind him he was a guy was something she'd love. "It is. It'd probably improve my grades, too. Better teachers."

"Would you like to transfer?"

"That'd be awesome." He felt like smiling, but he didn't. He felt like he had forgotten how.

I'm Not A Girl, I Swear [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now