Chapter 3

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Luna's POV

We got into Raphael's car it was a Lamborghini I heard of these cars before. It was kind of funny watching a tall man fit into a small car his seat was like back to the floor. Hoping I didn't get the seat dirty Ace was just having a blast in the car the seats are navy blue and the outside is navy blue and black. It's a flashy car. Silently I prayed 'God please don't let this man kidnapped or kill me.'

I saw him looking at me in the corner of my eyes. "So where are you going?" His husky Australian voice asked. I got out my notebook and wrote 3241 Liberty lane. He nodded his head.

Before we left he made a call.

"Hey Rach" he started driving.

"Yes I left you at the mall but I'll be right back." he slowly stops at a red light.

"Yes I have my black card" he pressed the gas and looked at me with big eyes.

"I'm sorry." he mouth but I was confused about why he was apologizing so I just slowly nodded my head.

"Okay Rach you'll get the card when I get back," he said turning the corner.

"Yes I'll treat you out to lunch," he said turning another corner.

"Can't we go to McDonald's instead," he said turning down my street.

"No, I'm not calling you fat...we'll get Italian"

"Yeah alright bye," he said hanging up and parking in front of my house.

"You live here?" He asked.

I suddenly felt self-conscious and nodded my head. He smiled at me.

"Come on I'll grab the bags you just grab the dog." I grab my notebook to tell him no it's fine but he already grabbed the bags heading towards my house.

The car door was still open so I grabbed Ace and headed towards my house. Yes I know I shouldn't call this place my home or house it's a dump but I feel more at home than I did at Bluebird. I shuddered at the memory.

I hurried and wrote 'please don't judge me.' He looked down at me and said "I won't." I open it up and saw there was trash on the floor. I went to pick it up and threw it away.

He just looked around then looked at me. "It's not dirty and I genuinely mean that it's really clean and tidy. You even have a mini-fridge." My face went hot it doesn't work unless I have ice since I have no electricity. 'Thanks' I showed him my notebook. He smiled.

"You're welcome." he smiled.

"Let me put these up and I'll be out of your hair." He said going towards the cabinet. I rush towards him and put my hand on his arm to stop him and shook my head. I should've done that earlier in the car.

He looked confused. I sighed and went towards the cabinet gently pulled on it and it fell off. I went to put my head down in embarrassment but he brought my head back up and looked at me.

"Hey it's okay it happens to everyone." I laughed because it was funny just imagining people opening their cabinets and it fell off. He laughs with me.

'Thanks for the laugh.' I wrote and showed it to him. He smiled. "Thank you too." He said.

After our little laugh, we put everything he got me away. He would've stayed longer to help but he had to get back to Rach whoever that is. I got Ace some food with his new bowl and new food. I ate the food he got me it was slightly cold but I was still hungry.

I decided that after Ace was done that I'll give him a bath when in reality his bath was a kiddie pool. I looked in the bag Mr.Raphael gave me and saw that he also got some dog shampoo. I silently said 'Thank you, Mr. Raphael.' Ace loves when it's his bath time. I got the shampoo, a rag, and a couple of toys for Ace to play with.

One thing about Ace is I taught him when I'm in trouble, to attack someone or to stop attacking someone, I'm scared or even I just need to be left alone just by whistling.

Whistling once means to attack.

I know what you're thinking wonder if you're tied up and can't whistle that's easy Ace is a smart dog. He checks up on me if I like it or not. The only time he doesn't check in on me is if I'm gone somewhere which rarely happens.

Whistling like I'm trying to get a dog's attention means I'm scared.

Whistling twice means to stop attacking.

Whistling a low whilst he knows I wanna be left alone.

If my whistling is a high whistle...that means Code Black it means I'm about to talk in front of people or one person. Because I don't talk a lot in the fear of getting beat.

I called him for a bath and Ace was running towards me. I opened the door got my flashlight and pepper spray and went outside. I know you maybe wonder why do you have pepper spray if it's the afternoon. Well, people will try things even if it's daylight out.

For some reason, Ace loves my southern accent no matter what I say he either barks or gives me a doggy grin. He also likes it when I sing to him.

I got the kiddie pool from the side of the house and fill it up with the jug of water Mr. Raphael gave me and added the shampoo and Ace was in it before I even got the chance to get the rags to wash him off with.

After I washed him off he shook the excess water off of him and unto me. I pouted at him and he looked at me and gave me a doggy grin. I laughed at him and dumped the water onto him and this time he gave me a pout and I took a step back and he shook the water off of him again.

We went backed inside and I dried him off with a fluffy towel he's hair was fluffy and puffy and I laugh again at how he looked.

"Hey, Ace." He looked at me.

"I love you, Ace," I said genuinely meaning it.

"I worve you mob." I remember I taught Ace how to say that. "I love you mom" is what he said. I hugged Ace because he's like a son to me.

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