Chapter 28

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Raphael POV

"I am." A voice deeper than Jason said

"Hot damn his voice deep." Alex turn around but I didn't.

"Hot damn he one of gods many beautiful creation." Turning around I'm greeted by a man taller than Jason but shorter than me.

"Who are you?" He asked. I was about to answer but was cut short when Jason answer for me.

"Let me introduce everyone... Boy this is Roman...Roman this is boy...Alex this is Roman...Roman this is Alex....Roman I am Jason and you are Roman....Boy this is Alex....Alex that is Boy....Jesus this is Satan.... Satan that is Jesus and I am everyone clear." Me and Alex slowly nodded our head.

"So why is Alex and Boy here?"

"They came to see Noelani they are her friends."

"Why didn't you just say so?"

"She's gonna be so excited to see you Raphael." Jason said.

"Which one of you is Raphael?" Me and Alex both pointed to each other this man is scary.

"Which one of you is Raphael?" Alex and Jason pointed to me while I pointed to Jason.

"Oh so you're who my daughter wants to see so badly?" I nodded... wait what daughter.

"Wait so Noelani is your daughter?" I ask he nodded. Turning towards Jason I looked at him.

"But I thought she was your daughter."

"She is." Oh I get it...they are's nothing wrong I fully support.

"Ohhhhhh." Me and Alex both said.

"Wait hold the hell up." Jason said.

"Hold the fuck up." Roman said.

" You got to explain it much better than that." Roman sigh and rubbed his face walking towards Jason slapping the back of his head.

"We are not gay." They both nodded Alex looked so disappointed.

"I'm her dad and he is her daddy." Roman said.

"Since for some reason I can't have any girls I adopted her as my own daughter." Roman said and Jason nodded.

"I am her real father." Jason said proudly.

"So none of you guys are gay." Alex said hopefully.

"No." They both said.

"But I do have a son that's gay." Roman said winking at Alex.

"He looks just like Roman his voice is even as deep as him." Jason said Alex cheeks starting turning red.

"Now why are you here for?" Jason said.

"I need your permission for something."

"What do you need my permission for?"

" I want to kill Ryan for touching My Angel."

"Yeah can't kill him for touching Noelani if you don't remember you have a girlfriend but I didn't say you couldn't scare him." Jason said.

"Who are you anyway? All I know is that my brother said that you been getting to close to my Lani."

"Seriously are you for real?" He nodded.

"My name is Octavius Walker." His eyes grew big.

"Really you're my 2nd favorite mafia leader." Jason smiles at Roman.

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