Chapter 5

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Luna's POV

After I finished eating I notice the man left his phone. It looks expensive. I went to a bubble icon and texted Rachel the girl he was on the phone with earlier.

"Hi I'm sorry to bother you but Mr. Raphael dropped his phone. I was wondering if you know how I can return it or can we meet somewhere so you can return it?" And sent.

I know what you're thinking you know how to type I do. I did get my high school degree at 16 so I'm not as dumb as you think I am. Of course, I had to take classes on a computer at the library.

Two minutes later I got a text. "Hey, Luna it's me Raphael I'll meet you at your house in fifteen minutes." I looked at the clock it read 4:23 pm.

I texted back. "Sure I'll see you soon." I wanted to see what kind of person he's like so I went through his pictures I know I shouldn't but I'm bored.

I saw him with a pretty girl with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a nice figure.

I also saw him with an older couple they didn't look old though so I'm guessing that one of them is his sibling and the couple is married. The lady had black hair with a few streaks of gray and blue eyes. While the man had dark brown hair but no gray streaks grey eyes.

I saw a couple more pictures with him, two boys and a girl.

Raphael looks the oldest but then again it's the man in the middle that looks the oldest he has black hair with a few gray streaks and ocean blue eyes he's cute. Then it's a boy next to Raphael. He has dark brown hair while Raphael has black hair he has dark blue eyes while Raphael's eyes are grey. But the girl her hair is silver she has light blue eyes.

So does he have 4 siblings and an in-law? Or did I get the parents confused as a sibling and in law?

I didn't know how long I was looking at it but I exited out of the photos and I went to the camera button and press the white button in the middle of it. It didn't do anything so I smiled I even made a couple of weird faces and did it again to see if it'll work but it didn't I exit out of it.

But then it suddenly died. I didn't even know what time it was I sigh in frustration until a couple of seconds later there was a knock on the door. That must be him. I grab my notebook and pen and grab the phone and went towards the door. I open the door and there he was.

I held up on finger signal one moment he's gonna figure out somehow I was looking through his pictures. I quickly wrote 'Please don't be mad at me' I showed it to him. He just looked confused and slowly nodded his head.

I wrote 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was bored I had nothing else to do...I went through your pictures.' I gave him the notebook and backed away a couple of feet.

This is what Ms. Single was talking about I never think before I do and I always face the consequences for my actions. I felt a tear slip at the memory and then another slip down my cheek. I wiped my tears quickly before he notices but me being I didn't notice he was already staring at me and saw me wiping my tears. His eyes were soft like they were telling me to please don't cry.

He put his hand out to touch me and I ran away and hid behind my dirty couch. Ace didn't help because he didn't see Raphael as a threat. What a great dog I have.

Ace went to Raphael's leg and rubbed against it. Raphael pet his head and Ace left and he went upstairs yes I have stairs I only go up there when I need time to think. Raphael came closer again I couldn't go anywhere he had me trapped in a corner.

"I'm gonna need you to listen to me okay." He gently grabs my face with both of his large hands looked me in my eyes and told me softly. I shivered and nodded. He wrapped his arm around me and put me on his lap since I'm so small height-wise compared to him.

" Are you cold you keep shivering?" I was embarrassed so I just nodded. "Ok" his grasp on me slightly tighten.

"I'm not mad at you, okay you were bored I understand that and it's just pictured it's okay. I don't want you to feel like you should be afraid of anything in this world."

I nodded my head. He picked me up but I want to tell him to put me down I'm too heavy to be in the air so I put my hand in a motion to look like I'm writing he got what I was saying and got me my notebook.

I thought he was gonna put me down so I can get my notebook myself. I wrote 'Can you put me down I'm kind of heavy.' I remember at Bluebird Ms. Single wouldn't feed me for days because she said I was too fat I was always chubby than the other kids.

He laughs "Oh you're not heavy you're as light as a feather." I yawned he chuckled.

"You are so adorable I'll just put you to bed." He said while putting me on my mattress.

"Sleep well Luna." was the last thing I heard him say before I let sleep take me to Dreamland.

I know this chapter is short bare with me while I go through the struggle and nightmare of school especially Anatomy 😤🤦🏽‍♀️. Sorry.....

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