Chapter 4

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Raphael POV

Her house, apartment, shelter whatever you want to call it wasn't even dirty. It was small and comfortable for her but it was a little cramped for me I would have to bend my neck down a little I don't think she noticed. She seems like she would make a good friend though.

If Rachel finds out I made friends with a girl she'll kill me let alone a girl of color. If you didn't know then well now you know Rachel is racist anyway I drove back to the mall and got out of my car. I passed by some people everyone was smoking and I saw a couple making out. I couldn't tell who everyone was because of all the smoke.

I went to the mall to look for Rachel I went towards her favorite store. She loves this store but I feel uncomfortable going in there alone.

Why did Victoria's Secret have to be her favorite store? Out of all the stores she has to go to this one the most.

I decided to call her but I couldn't find my phone so I used my other phone to call her my other phone wasn't really important but it was expensive. It was the iPhone XR the black one.

"Hey " she sounded out of breath.

"Hey, Rach are you okay? You sound out of breath." I asked full of concern.

"Yes, I've been running around literally. Why are you calling me off this phone and not you're another one?" her breath hitched and heard her groan.

" I misplaced it. Are you okay are you in pain?"

"Yeah, my stomach hurts can we reschedule lunch."

"Yeah sure Rach well I'm in the mall right now meet me at the food court I'm gonna go to one of the stores and get you some medicine. Okay."

"Thanks, honey love you," she said hanging up the phone.

I went towards one of the stores I can buy over-the-counter medicine for her monthly and also I got her a teddy bear, her favorite flowers sunflowers, and blueberry ice cream.

I purchased everything the total came to $25.21. I went towards the food court and saw her sitting down with her head in her hands looking in pain and a man in front of her talking. As I got closer I recognized him as one of my mates we had only been mates for 2-3 years.

"Hey, Rach I got you your favorite things," I said walking towards the table.

She looked up at me and rolled her eyes "Thanks, babe." I just smiled and sat beside her because I know she's hurting.

When I sat beside her she smelled like smoke and perfume. It could be from when she came back outside to look for me they could've been there.

"Hey mate," Mason said.

"Hey Mason what are you doing here."

"I came here to shop but I got hungry so I went got some food and found Rachel so I ate and kept her company while she's in pain." He winked at her when he said pain.

"Oh well, thanks for doing that I appreciate it." I was starting to become confused.

"Yeah, you're welcome buddy anytime." He said with a smirk.

"See you guys later." He said getting up and leaving.

"Bye Mason," I said getting up as well and grabbing my and Rachel's things, and heading towards the car.

"Hey Rach I'll be back I'm putting these in the car and I'll be right back." She just gave me a thumbs up.

I went towards the car and saw that the people that were smoking had left. After I put the things in the car. I went back towards Rachel. I picked her up and carried her out of the mall I'm guessing she wasn't happy about it but she didn't wanna argue either.

The drive home was her just groaning and moaning but then I had to pull over while she empties her fluids while I held her long dirty blonde hair. I got a hair tied and tied her hair up into a bun and got a water bottle from the back of the car it was nice and cold. When I went back towards the front she was done and was resting her head against the car. Taking her back home I let her lean her head out the window arriving home I started the shower for her.

Letting her take a shower her phone goes off I see it's my phone.

"Hi I'm sorry to bother you but Mr. Raphael dropped his phone. I was wondering if you know how I can return it or can we meet somewhere so you can return it?" I looked at it this must be Luna.

"Hey, Luna it's me Raphael I'll meet you at your house in fifteen minutes." I looked at the clock it read 4:23 pm. I'm surprised she didn't seem shocked that I knew it was her.

"Sure I'll see you soon." I deleted the messages and finished taking care of Rachel when she's done I get her into some nice clothes soon enough she's sleeping. I get in my ford and drive to Luna's house and knocked on the door.

This will most like be the only short chapter.

Love you my honey's 🍯

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