Chapter 6

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Raphael POV

I can't believe she thought I was gonna be mad that she went through my pictures I mean yeah I get mad if someone goes through my phone without my permission but with her, I don't care. Thank god it wasn't my other phone she doesn't need to know about the other part of my life besides being a CEO.

Then I saw her crying I wanted to ask her what's wrong but she'll tell me when she's ready.

Luna is now the main priority I have to make sure she has everything she needs. I just remember I have to go to work in the morning. I could've asked her to be my assistant it pays well and she'll get a nice apartment if she wants or she can fix up the place she's in with the money she's gonna earn.

When I saw Luna crying my heart felt like it broke and then she tries to wipe the tears before I saw them. I have to know more about Luna and not in a creepy way.

But like I said Luna is my main priority and nothing will change that well besides Rachel's attitude towards her. Rachel is very controlling anytime I talk to her on the phone or in person she makes me call her Rach or any love dovey nicknames instead of Rachel.

Then again I don't care I love her very much and I have a new friend that I'm very fond of but Rachel gets jealous even if I wave hi to a girl. I guess she thinks another girl is gonna steal me away but it's only a few girls in my life that I care or pay attention to.

My mom, my sister, her, and now Luna. I wonder what she'll think when I tell her about Luna but I also have to tell her that we're just friends and that's it. She probably won't believe me. I don't know why I feel the need to protect Luna and guard her 24/7 and I just met her today.

I got back home and went to my room and saw that Rachel wasn't in there. I went to the guest bedroom and didn't see her I was about to leave when I heard talking I didn't want to be nosey then again I did the only thing I heard was.

"What...tell...Raph....don't know...tell him..." I wonder what she's talking about. She'll tell me when she's ready.

I slowly and quietly close the door. And decide to make us dinner I always wanted to be a chef but my dad said that it was a stupid dream to be a chef because they don't make a lot of money.

I wish Rachel will help me around the house...not pay bills but just help keep the house clean I just want her to clean after herself that's all.

Anyway, I'm making my favorite food. Crab legs, fried shrimp, corn on the cob, and to drink I'm making sweet tea for dessert I'm making cheesecake.

I start cooking at 5:20 by the time I finished it was 7:10 I cooked enough for 6 people I did it on purpose hopefully Rachel won't notice.

"Rach dinner ready"my voice boom throughout the house. I didn't hear anything so I called her again.

"Rach" still nothing. I went upstairs and into the guest room since she was there last. Nothing I went to all 3 guest rooms at that still nothing. I even went to my music room/studio.

Then I went to my room nothing I checked the whole house and still nothing I decided to text her.

Me: Hey Rach where are you?

I waited 5 minutes I was gonna call her until I got a text.

Rach😊: Out

Me: Out where I thought your stomach was hurting

Rach😊: Well I felt better so I went out

Rach😊: Don't wait up

Me: Umm...well ok then I made dinner...if you're hungry later

Rach😊: Yeah okay thanks🙄

I left her on seen and decided to make a choice I pack some clothes, my laptop with built-in wifi, a portable charger, my phone, and Luna's phone I just got her so that way if she needs me she can text or call me. I also got a cozy blanket and packed some of the food up and got in my car and drove...

20 minutes later I was outside her house I got the things from my house and brought it with me to the door. I was about to knock when I realized I look like a crazy stalker because I showed up unannounced I barely know her. I turn around headed back to my car then I heard the door open behind me.

And I know I didn't knock I turned around and to my surprised, I saw Ace looking up at me. He lifts his head as if he's telling me to come in and I did I close the door behind me and follow Ace again to my surprise there she was in all of her glory with a sleepy look on her face staring at me.

I put the things on her counter I felt her eyes on me the entire time and sat beside her.
"Hi," I told her. She waved.

"Did I wake you?" She shook her head no and point at Ace.

"Oh, Ace woke you up." She made a writing motion with her hand. I got her notebook and pen.

'Ace knew you were at the door because of your scent he kept trying to get me to open the door but I was too tired as you can see and yes Ace open the door I didn't train him how to do that though.' I read.

"I brought dinner are you hungry" she shows me a page that said no but her body...her body was telling me yes because her stomach growled.

I'm gonna get dinner thank god I remember to get paper plates and plastic utensils. I brought the food over and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. I fixed our food and drinks and got my laptop so we can watch Lilo and Stitch. I set it down so all three of us can see and I gave Ace some nice warm dog food.

Once I did that I played the movie since she said she never saw it before. It was a nice evening she was enjoying the movie she was laughing so I'm glad she was enjoying it, god, she had the most beautiful laugh.

After she finished her food I waited about 15 minutes then I gave her some dessert. She didn't know what it was. I told her to just eat it the minute she did she let out a moan. My pants got tight but I ignored it.

"Do you like it?" She shook her head yes and wrote.

'Did you make all of this?' I shook my head yes.

'You should cook more often.' She wrote.

"We will see," I told her.

"What's your last name?" I ask curiously.

'Parker, what's yours?'

"Walker, how old are you?"She looked kind of confused and started counting on her finger then wrote in her notebook.

'17, what about you?' Damn, she's young but still beautiful.

"28" her eyes grew big and I laugh.

'You don't look that old'

I kept asking questions and she wrote the answer until Ace left I don't know where he's at but I could tell she was getting cold because she kept shivering.

"Are you cold?" I asked she shook her head yes.

"Where's your blanket?" She got this thin piece of sheet and put it on. I took it off of her she looked at me like I was crazy I ignore the adorable look and got my cozy blanket. She shook her head no but I wouldn't take no for an answer I moved her closer to me so we both could share and put it on us. The minute I did she stop shivering and let out a sigh.

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