Adam and Eve part 2

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According to Ibne Umar (RA) Adam (pbuh) came down of Al Safa mountain and Eve (pbuh) came down on Al Marwah mountain. Adam knew he had to face conflict and struggle on earth. And he had to protect himself and his family with clothes weapons from wild animals and above all from Satan. There new life started in earth.

Adam (pbuh) started the family with set of twins named Kane and his sister. Later they had another set of twins named  Habil and his sister. Family enjoyed the generous gift in fruits from the earth provided by Allah(SWT). The children grew up to be strong and healthy young adults. Kane was the farmer who grew crops. And Habil was the shepherd who raised animals. When they were old enough to get married Allah (SWT) revealed each son should marry there other twin sister. That meant Habil should marry Kane twin sister and kane should marry Hable twin sister.

Kane refused Allah's command. As he wanted to marry his own twin sister. Adam (pbuh) was in difficulty he wanted unity and harmony in his family. So he prayed to Allah(SWT) for help. Allah commanded that each son should offer a sacrifice. And who's  sacrifice would be accepted he can marry of his choice. Habil offered the best sheep of his. But Kane was troublemaker so he offered his worst grains. So far Kane already have made two mistakes. He disobeyed Allah (SWT). And he didn't offer his sacrifice properly. Allah didn't expect his sacrifice and this made him extremely angry.

He realised he had no hope in marrying his own beautiful sister. His arrogance took him in path of Satan. And Kane threatened to kill Habil. One day Habil was running late from his work so Adam sent Kane to see what happened to him. Kane got a chance to be alone with his brother. Kane was so mad that he struck his brother with stone. Killing him instantly. This was the first dead and first criminal act committed by man on earth. Satan mislead the human one more time. And from that crime started in the earth.

When Habil was missing for sometime Adam started searching for him. But he couldn't find his beloved son anywhere. He asked Kane about Habil but Kane said he is not keeper of his brother. Adam understood  that his son was dead and his heart filled with sadness.

As Habil was the first man to die on earth Kane didn't know what to do with Habil's body. He roamed around with the body on his back from place to place. One day he saw two pigeon flew across him and they started fighting. And one one tge bird died. Victorious bird started digging in mud with help of his beak to bury the dead bird. And covered the bird with mud. When Kane saw this he was ashamed of himself. Kane then did the same with his brother. It was also tge first burials of mankind.

Adam(pbuh) was depresed by the loss of his two son. One was dead and other was won over by Satan. He prayed for his son and adviced his children and grandchildren telling them about Allah (SWT) and calling them to believe in him. He told them about Satan and warned them about his experience. He reminded them how Satan has mislead him in paradise and his son Kane in earth.

Year's and year's went by Adam had many many children on earth. When Adam (pbuh) grew old he appointed his son Seath(pbuh) for the guide of human beings. When his dead  was nearby he had a sudden appetite to eat the fruits of paradise. So his children tried searching for the fruits. While tge were searching they met the angels. Angels told them to go back to Adam because he was dying. So they returned back to Adam with the angels. When Eve saw the angels of death he recognized him. And ran to Adam. Adam knew his wife was scared. So he told her it was his time to go and this was all because of Allah's will. Before his dead he told the children Allah would never leave alone man on the earth. Allah would sent prophet's to guide them. The prophet would have different name and miracles but they would be united in one thing to call to worship Allah alone. Adam(pbuh) closed his eyes. Angels surrounded him. When he recognized the angel of death his heart smiled peacefully. They took his soal and wrapped it. And the dug a grave and layed him in it. This was the traditional at time of the death.

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