Prophet Ayyub(AS)

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Prophet Ayub (AS) described in Quran with the word "Ayyub" which means "The Patient".Ayyub (AS) was descended from Ishaq (AS), but not through Yaqoob(As)  but through Esau. He didn't belong to the tribe of Israel. But was relative of them.

His mother's name was Minah, who some say was the daughter of Lut(AS) and his wife was Rahmah, daughter of Efraim son of Yusuf(As). He had 12 daughters and 12 children. He was born in Basan, Syria. It is considered that he lived between the 15th and 16th centuries BC, that he lived 220 years and was buried in his own village next to the water source where he bathed, and in which Allaah healed his diseases.

It is said that a group of angels argued about the human creatures of Allah, spoke of those who were humble servants of Allah, and those who were arrogant and incurred their discontent.

Ayyub was a very righteous servant. Allah put him to the test with his family, his property, and his body. The story of Ayyub shows us that sometimes times of hardness and misfortune come to people not because of their wrongdoing, but as a test of Allah.

He did not adore him because of favors; his adoration came from his heart and had nothing to do with material things. But to prove to Iblis the depth of Ayyub's sincerity and patience, Allah allowed him to do with his helpers whatever they wished with the abundance of Ayyub (AS).

One day his big farm was attacked by the thieves. They killed many of his servants and carried away forcibly all his cattle. The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) did not feel sorry at this loss and thanked Allah.

After some time the roof of the house fell down and many members of his family were crushed. The Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him) was much shocked but he held fast to his faith in Allah. He neither shed a tear nor heaved a sigh. He prostrated before the Almighty. He remarked that possessions and children were gifts from Allah. If He had taken His things, it was useless to lament over their loss.

After a few years, Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) suffered from skin disease. His parts of the body were covered with loathsome sores. He had many ugly looking ulcers on his face and hands. The sores were full of worms. It is narrated that he picked up those worms which fell from his abscess and praised Allah for creating them.

Above all, his false friends attributed his calamities to his sins. They ridiculed and looked down upon him. All the persons deserted him with the exception of his faithful wife, Rahima. She also grew tired of him in the long run and prayed for his death. She cursed her husband for retaining integrity in Allah. When Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) was in an extremely pathetic condition he prayed:

"Truly adversity has afflicted me and You are Most Merciful of all who show mercy.

Allah(SWT) accepted his prayers
Allah turned to him with mercy. He was commanded to strike the earth with his foot. He complied with the order and water from the spring gushed forth. He took a bath with the water and got cured of his evil disease. After this, he was restored to prosperity. The Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him) knelt and prayed to express a deep sense of gratitude to Allah. He never forgot His favors, mercy, and love.

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