Prophet Lut(AS)

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Prophet Ibrahim(AS) left Egypt accompanied by his nephew Lut(AS). And went to the city of Sidon. Which was on the western shore of the dead sea. This city was filled with evil. People of this town attacked, robbed, and killed travelers. Another huge common evil act among them was they were gay people. Before this nation, no one did this kind of sin. This unnatural act later became known as Sodomy after the city of Sodom. It was practiced openly and were not ashamed of themselves. For their crime and big sin, Allah(SWT) sent prophet Lut(AS) to guide them. They were very arrogant and ungrateful to Allah(SWT) and his messenger. Prophet Lut(AS) warned them about the punishment. They threatened to drive him out of the city if he kept on preaching.

Prophet Lut(AS) became sad for there action. They continued there gay act through out the land while he struggled against them. As the years passed oy few people accepted his call. Not even all of his family members believed in him. Lut(AS) wife like Noah(as) was a disbeliever. So, his life was a continues torture both inside and outside his home. But he remained patience.

Years after years passed by but people still did not believe in him. Instead, they challenged him. After many many years of preaching when Lut(AS) lost all his hope. Allah(SWT) decided to destroy them. So he sent three angel in human form. At first, they went to prophet Ibrahim(AS) to give the good news about the birth of Ishaq(As). Then they went to the city of Sodom to prophet Lut(AS).

The reached the town by afternoon. They saw the prophet Lut(AS) daughter who was sitting beside the river to fil her jug with water. When he lifted her face he saw them and she was stunned to see them. One of the three angels asked her ''is there a place to rest tonight?'' She knew the bad character of her people so she replied,'' Stay here and do not enter until I inform my father.'' Leaving her jug by the river, she quickly ran home and informed her father about the three young attractive men at the city gate.

Prophet Lut(AS) got worried as he quickly ran to his guests. He asked them where they came from and where they were going. They didn't answer his questions instead they asked him if he could host them.

He tried to convince them not to stay in town because the people of this town qere very bad. Finally, Lut(AS) requested them to qait until the night to go to his house, when no one would see them.

As his plan at night, he guided his guest to come to his home. The angels informed him that they had very important news for him.
But prophet Lut(AS) told them he didn't know them. They informed him that they are truthful. No one saw them but as soon as the prophet Lut(AS) wife saw them, she inform the people of their presence.

This news spread everywhere. All people rushed to the prophet Lut(AS) house to harm those very attractive guest. He was surprised to see them. When he found out that his wife informed them he was very sad. When he saw all the people he shut the door. They tried to  break tthe door he requested them not to harm the guest or Allah(SWT) Would punish them.
He reminded them that there wife was lawful for them. The people were very arrogant and violent. They broke down the door. He tried to protect his guests but he was powerless infront of his per. So he wished for a special power to protect his guest.

At the terrible moment, the guest informed him they were Angels. And the violent people could not harm them. Upon hearing them all of the people were terrified and ran away from the prophet Lut(AS) house, but they warn him before they left.

Angels said prophet Lut(AS) to leave his house before sunrise. Taking with him all the believer and family members except his wife because she was a disbeliever.

Some people said except Lut(AS) daughter's no one believed him.

1st punishment was - Allah(SWT) send an awful sound wave to shake them all. 
2nd punishment was- al mighty power twister to destroy the entire city. Allah(SWT) turned them totally upside down.
3rd punishment was- a strong rain of storm which destroyed everything includin Lut(AS ) wife.

Even today Allah(SWT) kreps the sign of punishment to warn us, not to do the same kind of sin what people of Lut(AS) used to do.

Only prophet Lut(AS) and his daughter's survived. They migrated to the place of prophet Ibrahim(AS) and continued to teach the rules of Allah(SWT).

He later died in Palestine and was buried near Hebron.

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