Prophet Aramaya(AS)

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After the prophet Sulaiman(AS) death 300 years passed. People started forgetting about Allah(SWT). And started to worship idols Bal as there god again. But this time they even killed many prophets. So Allah(SWT) became very angry at bani Israel. He decided to destroy their people and their cities. But as the last warning prophet Aramaya was send.

Allah(SWT) told Aramaya he would destroy bani Israel. When prophet Aramaya heard this he started to cry. He requested to forgive bani Israel. So Allah(SWT) told him to go to the people of Bani Israel and say them to stop worshipping other gods except for Allah(SWT). And come in the path of righteousness.

So Aramaya(AS) tried to convince people that it was their last chance and they have to stop the evil. The people of Israel were very bad they did not listen to him. They even accused him to be a liar. For some reason bani, Israel was always arrogant and they didn't believe that Allah(SWT) would destroy them. The king was so arrogant he ordered to arrest the prophet. And that was the final mistake.

Allah(SWT) sends their enemy which was king of Babylon. To destroy them. The big army surrounded the city. The Israel army surrounded and opened there gates. Thousands of Babylon army got into the city. They were very cruel the killed one-third of the entire population. The land was covered by people with blood. Babylonians only freed the old and disabled people free. But the arrested the rest as there slaves.  They destroyed all of there houses and castles. They even destroyed their beautiful temples. They burned all of their holy books, including the Torah. They even tortured children and women. It was a terrible time for bani Israel.

The king of Babylon heard about the prophet Aramaya after listening to prophet Aramaya. He understood that he was indeed a prophet. So he let prophet Aramaya free. The king then returned to Babylon with valuable treasure as well as men women and children.

The new beginning started for people of bani Israel. Whoever was in the city left over. Prophet Aramaya told them to ask for forgiveness from Allah(SWT). He also told them Allah(SWT) told them to stay united and rebuild the town. But they again refused to follow the order of Allah(SWT) and spread all over the world. But prophet Aramaya tried his best to rebuild the tribe of Israel.

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