Prophet Isa(AS)

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We will learn about the one of greatest prophet which was prophet Isa(AS). He was the last prophet of bani Israel. Since bani Israel kept on making the same terrible crimes that were forbidden by Allah(SWT). He stopped sending prophet for rhem after prophet Isa(AS). Prophet Isa (AS) story started from his grandparents Imran (AS).
[Which will be detail in story of great ladies in Islam]

Marium was alone in home one day. When she saw an angel. She feared for her safety and asked protection from Allah(SWT). The angel said ''I came to give you a message from Allah(SWT). You are going to give birth to a pious son. Who will the prophet and messenger.'' Marium was frightened she said'' how can I be mother when no man has ever touched me?'' Angel said ''Allah(SWT) is all knowing. What ever he said ''be'' it happens''

Slowly Marium started to show sign so she left the place and went to a desert. And sat below a dry palm treen ahe felt lonely. She was feeling thursty and hungry. She thought it was better to die than such fate. Then suddenly she heard a voice. The voice said shake the palm tree. As she did juicy palm fall started falling from tree. It was miracle. Then again the voice said look where your feet is. When she looked she saw a stream of fresh water flowing through that place. She drank and ate the palm.  Then she gave birth to prophet Isa(AS). When he was of 40 days. Again Marium heard a voice it said '' go back to your people'' she said they won't accept me and will accuse me. The voice said ''enter the city with your lord name. Do not utter a word if tgey ask you anything point towards tour child.''
As Marium returned back people started accusing her. But she didn't utter a word and pointed towards the baby. They laughed at ger saying she got insane. Then suddenly the baby Prophet Isa(AS) started talking. '' my mother is pure. She committed no sin.'' ( more details in surah Marium in quran)

The people were shocked to see a baby talked so young. The people of Jerusalem started to fear of the baby and Marium. So they kept the baby talking secret and accused Marium. King though he was denger to him. So he planned to kill baby Isa. But due to Allah(SWT ) Marium (PBUH) left that place and took the baby to other place. Quran and hadith doesn't mention to wheren but after the death of king they moved back to Palestine in small town named Nazrat. Where he grew up and spread knowledge of Allah(SWT).

( we have not much stories of childhood of prophet Isa(AS) in Quran and hadith. )

As Isa(AS) started to grow up he saw some of the people was doing extremely terrible things in the name of religion. During the period of Sabbath the evil priest made it harder and harder. They didn't allow to even call doctor if person was ill. This made people to break law of Allah(SWT).

Allah(SWT) decided to remove some rule's. Prophet Zakariya(AS) and his son prophet Yahya(AS) tried very hard to guid the people of bani Israel to Allah(SWT). But it didn't work. One time King decide to kill both the great prophet. And on the same day both the prophet died. Bani Israel did not stand up.against killing this great prophet's.

Allah(SWT) was very angry on them. But gave them one last chance. On the same day when Zakariya(AS) and Yahya(AS) were killed Allah(SWT) gave Isa(AS) prophet-hood. Everyone knew about his miraculously birth so question him. He was only send to people of banu Israel ( more info in holy Quran surah Imran) ( in bible Methew chapter 15 verse 24). Allah(SWT ) gave Isa(AS) new book of laws Injeel. People and his own relatives refused his message. Only a few people accepted him as prophet.

He asked some of the believers to help him protect from his enemies. From them some of the believers accepted to protect him and help him. In Quran helper's are called Hawari. They were great respectful and great followers like sahabas in Islam. Some historians believe there were 11 to 17. They spread throughout the place to spread islam. And showed many miracle ( surah imran verse 49).

One day he was crossing the market place with his deciple. He saw a beggar who was blind. He put his hand on the eyes of beggar and the beggar started to see again. Everyone saw the miracle. He could cure many diseases as such. And helped the people. And diseases was cured miraculously.
For 3 yrs he helped poor and needy. He called people to path of Allah(SWT). One time he saw a dead child in a family. He brought the child back to life. Some believed him. But some didn't. And challenged him to bring back another person life who was buried long ago. And he did.

Some of the evil people of bani Israel tried to change his words and show him as a god for there profits. Which was greatest sin.
Prophet Isa(AS) cleared there misunderstanding ( surah maida verse 72).

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