Prophet Noah (AS)

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Prophet Noah (AS) came after 1000-years after prophet Adam (AS). For many generations, people used to worship gods made by there hands. They believed these gods would bring them good protect them from evil and provide all there needs.

Originally when good people died among them Satan-inspired them to build a statue in the places that they used to sit to keep their memories alive. However, they did not worship those statues. Later on, when their generations turned away from Allah (SWT) guidance they began to worship those statues. That is how idol worship develops. Then Allah (SWT) sends prophet Noah (AS) to guide his people.

Noah was an excellent speaker and a very patient man. Prophet Noah (AS) spoke to his people about Allah's (SWT) greatness and he wore them not to worship anyone except Allah. And described the terrible punishment if they don't stop there evil ways.

After his warnings people divided into two groups. Poor and weak people got the warnings and his saying touch their hearts. But rich and powerful people became his enemy. They rejected his saying and did not believe he was a prophet of Allah. They believed he was just a simple human being like themselves.

When they found that his call attracted the poor's,  the helpless and common Labours the leaders of those rich people tried to bargain:
They said ''listen Noah be with us we are rich and powerful. Do not stay with poor with you faith'' with calmness Noah refused them with noble knowledge and logic of intellect.

The rulers were tired of Noah's argument they challenged Noah that if he is truthful bring the punishment of Allah towards them. Then Noah said only Allah (SWT) can bring the punishment. And no one can escape the punishment of Allah.
They didn't believe him and called him a lier. Noah replied with a gentleness that he is not laying and he is the messenger of Allah (SWT) and he knows something from Allah (SWT) that something that they didn't know and they should oy worship Allah SWT and he will forgive their sins.

But most people of that place were very bad. They used to steal, torture people, and even murder them. He continued to preach the message of Allah (SWT). Hours after hours, days after days, years after years he continued to call them to the path of Allah SWT give them the message of Allah. Day and night, in secret and in the open. But they put fingers and ran away from him.

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