Prophet Ibrahim(AS)

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Prophet Ibrahim(AS) was the 10th generation of prophet Noah PBUH. He was born in Babylon. His father did not believe in Allah(SWT) and was an idols maker.
Allah(SWT) protected the prophet Ibrahim(AS) heart and mind from evil. And gave him the power of wisdom ever since he was a child. At the age of seven, he asked his father about the funny looking idol with big years. The father answered it is Mardud the god of god. Big years show a depth of knowledge. This made the prophet Ibrahim(AS) laugh.

Time went by and Ibrahim(AS) became a young man full of hatred for those idols. As the child when he used to go to the temple with his father, he was surprised to see the behavior of the people with idols. As if idols could see hear or understand them. At first, it was funny to him, but later he began to feel angry with his people for their foolishness.

He thought God is greater than those useless idols. One night Prophet Ibrahim(AS) left his house to go to a mountain. He was thinking about the sky, stars, and moon which some people accepted them as there gods. But his heart knew that could not be a god. Sometimes we could see them and sometimes we could not see them. He continued to search for god. One day Allah(SWT) guided him to the truth. He felt good to realize that only Allah (SWT) is our oy true god. A new life started for Ibrahim(AS) his mission now was to call his people to the truth.

He invited his father to Islam but his father got very angry with him and warned him to stop otherwise he would stone him as a punishment. Like his father, other people also rejected his call and threatened him.

He made a plan to destroy the idols. During one big festival when everybody was on the riverbank he went to the temple with axe and destroyed all the statue except the big one. Before he left the temple he hung the ax around its neck and left. When the people returned, they were shocked to see their gods smashed to pieces, lying scattered all over the temple.

They began to guess who had done that to their idols and prophet Ibrahim(AS) name came to there mind. They brought him to the temple and asked him: '' are you the one who has done this to our gods?''
He told them to ask the biggest idols who were unharmed. The said ''that these idols don't speak.''
He asked them ''why do the belief these gods who neither speak or nor can defend themselves.''

They realised that they were wrong but there ignorance would not allow them to accept there mistake. They started yelling at him and shouted at him ''burn him'' ''burn him''...

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