Prophet Idris (Enoch)

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Enoch or Prophet Idris mention in quran third prophet after prophet Adam As) and Sheeth (As).

After death of prophet Adam (As) and Sheeth (As) people started completely forgetting Allah ( SWT). Prophet Idris was sent by Allah to guide them againsts evil. He was the 5th general of prophet Adam(AS). Idris (As) was born and raised in Babylon. He called his people back to his forefathers religion. Only few of them listen to him. The majority of them turned away from him and words of Allah ( SWT). At that time children of Adam was spread out all over the world. Allah  (SWT) guided Idis and his followers to move and leave Babylon and reach Egypt. There he followed his mission to call people to what is just and fair.
Teaching them prayers and  instructing them to fast on certain days. He also thought to give away certain portion of wealth to the poor. He was the first to invent the basic form of writing. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mention prophet Idris was the first man to ever write with pen. That there was no one before him who could write.

Abdullah ibn Abbas said Idris (As) was very handsome and tall. And had full grown beards. He spoke very very clearly. When he spoke he was calm. When he walked he lowerd his gaze and looked on the ground and he was avery collected individual. Calm and collected and he used to ponder and reflect very quiet hardly speaks only if there is a need.

It says in our history that Idris (As) was first to take up arms against another army. To fight against injustice. To protect the enosent. As he saw the corruption spreading from people of Kane to his people he declared war against them. Allah (SWT) gave him victory. Allah (SWT) revealed him that if one man is doing good deeds Allah SWT will increase good deed of Idris (As) at end of day. Allah will give him share of rewards of all those who had followed him. And he was very happy.
He knew his death was approaching.  So one day he spoke to an angel who was his friend. He said 'I like to take lot of rewards before I go'. Angel said 'So why don't you speak to angel of death and see what he have to say. Try and see if you can take permission to prolong a little bit'. So Idris said'' I want to live longer so angel carried him on his wing's and up into the heaven'' . When he was in the forth heaven they met the angel of death and angel spoke to him. And angel of death said ''I was sent to take his soal in the forth heaven. And I was thinking how can I do that'. His soal was taken when he was in the heaven.
Prophet Muhammad pbuh confirms in sahi bukhari that when he went in Mehraj he met Idris (As) in forth heaven.

This is as much we can say about life of Idris (As).

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